Green LED use during dark time

Hello again everyone, thanks again for the support!

I have a question/open response topic -

So I’ve been told that ANY light during dark “lights off” time during flowering can be detrimental to the development of the those beautiful little flowers, I’ve also been told that green light has “minimal” impact on them.
In doing some research I’ve found somewhat conflicting information so I’ve decided to reach out to some experienced growers to get some more insight. I’ve seen everything from bulbs painted green with nail polish (lol) to specialized headgear containing low intensity small green leds.

Question - Is it acceptable to occasionally utilize a special spectrum led for dark periods?

Do plants see green light?

If necessary, is there a “safe” method to use if dark interruption is unavoidable?

Thanks ahead of time for this great discussion.

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During my outside grows I have all sorts of light pollution-floodlights, street lights, and motion activated lights and haven’t had any problems.

Only issues indoor were when my light timers malfunctioned.


Think how light it is when you have a full moon.

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I use this app to go inside and do chores, or feedings ALL THE TIME.
My lights are on sundown to sunup… bet a lot here run like that, but yeah, how else can i get in there and have a look see? No herms from it yet either, and i get right close to the buds… Your phone screen should be slid down to 50/75% to be safe.

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Here is Bruce Bugbee explaining full moon, light leaks etc. 30 minutes long but interesting to see the results of their experiments.


I go in whenever. Dark. Light. I dont care and neither do they. It takes a constant light to do anything. 30 minutes here and there no issues. Sorta like root rot from constant water vs overwatering once in a while.


That is all I was hoping to hear, I usually don’t interrupt their sleep, I don’t like to be bothered while sleeping either, they’re just in a brand new closet room just for flowering and I wanted to check everything out, temp/hum all the what nots. I’m really enjoying all the helpful info and responses. Thank y’all so much.


So after all these responses do you in fact have a green led that you’re using during lights out?


AS @Fieldofdreams has said,

Yes, Inquiring minds want to Know


With a full moon, although it seems bright, there is barely any measurable light output. It is just reflected light and then has to travel through our atmosphere.

@Freebirdmikes, unless you’re going in there for hours at a time during lights out, you’re fine just turning on the normal lights to do what you need to do


I have a color changing led smart bulb. I do pay for a subscription to Photone it’s a par and ppfd app. I’m not sure how accurate it is but I will use it to check light values of this specific merkury smart bulb on each color setting. I can post the values if anyone is curious.

I have in the past used a vivosun green headlamp when snooping around during lights out…

I also Have used the iMessage background as a lights out light as well.

Never any ill effects from using short term small lamps but I’ve not really attempted any “top shelf” quality grows either.

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@Freebirdmikes gotcha. I’m of the personal opinion that most hermies are genetically predisposed and short exposure won’t trigger it. But it’s just an opinion lol. Good luck!!

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I live in the middle of a city so night never happens . I used to grow on my roof but had a couple different strains turn herme . I can’t say night light pollution caused them to turn . The roof top grow had a lot of stressors . Downpours of 2” in an hour , wind gusts up to 50mph , temperatures fluctuating between 65 and 105 , insects sticking to the buds and of course being pollinated by upwind growers who didn’t sex their plants . I no longer grow marijuana on my roof .
Back to your question. Without any scientific knowledge to support me I don’t think it matters if you turn lights on when you visit your plants during their dark period .
I personally don’t interrupt the dark period because I am retired and run my lights during the day , exception being showing off my grow to my friends .


This is a great lecture.

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I use a green headlamp and have never had a problem.

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Nailed it right there…
Or a double whammy of stressor situations and tib bits of gentic tendencies
I’ve gotten accidental seeds once only because she was past her stay and overdone


That’s when I had a hermie plant… it went too long. It was my first grow.


Finally remember that I was going to post the readings from the led merkury smart bulb set to green on 100% brightness. The results settled my thoughts and concerns about using it to check in and do chores during lights out. This is with my phone 1” from the bulb set to full led setting on Photone