CygnusX1’s first Grow - ILGM Gelato Auto

:ok_hand:…looking good …:sunglasses::v:

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Watered today with 1 gallon straight RO water. ~20% runoff tested at 950PPM and spot on 6.5 PH.

Next water / feed will either be straight RO again, or RO + Jack’s depending how she’s looking. More pistils receding / going orange and starting to see a few amber trichomes on the sugar leaves so I’m guessing about a week or so…?

Also prepping for the harvest, the following has landed:

  • Fresh set of trimmers
  • Trimmer cleaner / scrubber box thingamajig
  • Trim Bin (mmmm, kief…)
  • WeDryer (since the next round is pretty much already starting and I won’t have the tent available for drying)
  • General moisture meter probe. Buds will get final trim and cure in Grove Bags once the meter reads about 11-12% (If I recall the recommendations properly, will confirm)

RO + Jack’s… till she’s fin…amber on leaves mean nothing… You still have time…:sunglasses::v:

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Affirmative on the Nutes Ghost Rider.

Pistils receding(probably ~40% have changed from white), some cloudy in bud trichomes, some amber on the sugars (will NOT use these for actual harvest, just thought they may be an overall indicator of getting near?) - Those just led me to make a somewhat educated guess of 1-2 weeks. Also right in the “perfect world” 8 week window expected.

Think they have much more than 1-2 left? Place your bets folks! :upside_down_face:


From where I’m sitting, you have more than 2 weeks …:sunglasses::v:


I have more faith in your opinion from the balcony seats than mine on the front row, first grow and all. Greatly appreciated.

Hopefully I can keep her going that long, though I got the PH back in line quickly, a few of the sugar leaves still seem to be eating themselves a bit / drying out.

Dropped the light to about 45 DLI, hopefully that will help the cause. I thought it was just a nutrient issue, but I’m now realizing light may be (and may have been for a while now) an added stress particularly to the tallest bud site. Worst case I may need to harvest the main cola before the balance of the plant. Prefer to avoid that, but will consider if the lighting change doesn’t help.

Learning a lot in this grow for sure and will have much more even canopies in the next go-round.


Nothing wrong with a staggered harvest …:+1:
Canopy control becomes even more important with multiple plants…that’s why most growers don’t grow tiva and indie together …:sunglasses::v:


So… all is still going well with the grow.

I pulled a few popcorns off of the bottom the other night that were never going to amount to anything but I did let them grow just a little to satisfy my urge to at least sample something…

Let them dry a few days and threw some in the Dynavap tonight. Clearly the taste is not ideal given the short dry and lack of any cure at all but I’ve had worse and got a surprisingly decent buzz from a small bit of immature bud!

Pick below from when I plucked them. Adorable little things. :rofl:



This gal is coming down very soon now.


Looking very nice :ok_hand:…give us a close up of some buds and some trich shots if you can…I think you still have some time…:sunglasses::v:


Hoping to get better shots later today. This was from deep in one of the buds.

I’m also up against some time away so my current plan is to do a selective harvest in a few days at minimum so I can get it dried and in grove bags before skipping town.

Some of the “branches” are also starting to get weak, had to prop one up last night.

Also worth noting that I really want to keep any couch lock to an absolute minimum. Thoroughly enjoyed the buzz from the little popcorn buds that we sampled. I have to imagine even if I harvested now the real buds will only be better than those completely immature little suckers that weren’t even dried/cured properly.

Really trying not to have to bag them too early / late in the dry at this point.

Think I’ll need to at least selective harvest Fri or Sat.

EDIT - PS, also seeing a little bit of fox tailing likely from before I lowered the DLI a bit.


I’ve always been on the early side of harvesting, mostly because I’m an impatient prick :rofl: but from what I see in the picture you’ve got enough amber for me to go grab the hatchet :axe: :smiling_imp:

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So, question time. What’s the best thing to do with the remnants in the trim bin post wet trim. I’m not ready to do bubble hash or similar so im not going to freeze it. Should I just let it dry in the bin then push it around to try to collect any kief from the bin that way??

9.65 oz wet. I know I’ll lose most of that in the dry but still quite pleased for a first grow and an auto…! Baseline set.


Dry it, Decarb it, and infuse some coconut oil with it


You could also make a nice tincture with it, or just dry it and grind it all up and keep as shake for doobies :+1::wink:
Doobies for people who don’t get the good :poop: :rofl::rofl:

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I really want to try to harvest and save any Kief I can as I ultimately want to save it up for an eventual go at a temple ball.

Tinctures and oil are great ideas, however, I save up and use my AVB for that already. :slight_smile:

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I’ve heard of people using ABV and making tea with it. I like the hash ball idea

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We’ve used it for several things, though I haven’t tried a tea yet. Probably needs a good water wash first to get the taste cleaner.

We’ve done firecrackers (Nutella / graham crackers), peanut butter cups (some pics earlier in this thread).

Also tried a very rough everclear soak then let it evaporate off. Only tried that last one with a small amount to see how it went. I dipped a nug in the resulting oil and honestly can’t recall the planet we visited but we left earth for sure. Amazing how much goodness is left after vaporizing.

Really considering grabbing either a Levo II or Source Turbo just haven’t decided which final product would get more use to justify the investment since they are very different machines with very different purposes.

I’d love to try a dab press someday, but I’m not really even considering that purchase unless / until I get a good inventory on hand first.


@Myfriendis410 can vouch for the source, and how well it works.