So I’m looking at my plant n notice some spots sent getting enough air n light now I see people cutting leaves off during flower before n lollipopping witch looks like it helps but when do you start or jus wait n don’t go nuts lil is a lot
Most common days I hear about for defoliation are 21 and 42 days after flower. Buzz topic however… some people do it, some don’t. Be more careful on autos, going crazy can stunt then and keep em small.
Start a week or so before initiating flower, as long as you have that ability, and strip up as much as you feel comfortable with.
Take off anything below that’s under the canopy and looks like it won’t produce well, over time you’ll find where you wish to keep them and stay in that range, for now it’s a learning experience .
Every grow room is different and when it comes to defoliating everyone got an opinion to offer
Thank u for advice
@Underthestairs @PharmerBob my 1 critical fast bud is at 5-6 node but is short an jus a big looking plant to me at 16 days should I cut some bottom off
Snip the edge of some of the lowest leaves.
This will put the plant in self defense mode and grow vertically to save itself.
Also note the distance the light is from the top of your plant, creating more distance can draw it vertically as well
Snip the edge like of leaf. so cut a piece of leaf off
That’s exactly how I train. Snip lower to grow up, snip upper to grow out into a bush
Didn’t know that about cutting the fan tips! I like it. I plan to try getting some decent early stretch on my next run for bottom height. Or I may start pruning off the first node because I do prefer a slightly compact plant.
That makes sense to me
Hey @PharmerBob thank u for the help my boyfriend’s plant shot up really nice after sniping edge of leaf