Cut or keep? Foxtails

Hello she’s a Gorilla Glue auto flower that’s in her 20th week overall and 4th week of flower. Should I expect the foxtailing shoots to “fill in” or should they be cut? I dunno. Anyone that knows if it should be kept or cut let me know! Thanks!

Thanks, rickyboy702


Totally up to you. I usually cut everything below the net or that wont reach the net to make fatter nugs up top instead of a bunch of popcorn nugs


I’m not seeing any fox tailing Growmie. Those are typical pistils and Several weeks of bud development left :love_you_gesture:


:100: agree with ya

16 weeks of veg for an auto? That doesn’t seem right.


Are you sure it’s an auto? Generally autos flower around 40 days above ground. What’s been your lighting schedule? :love_you_gesture:

I know for some reason she’s a very slow growing/developing Gorilla Glue. I dunno, might I have gotten a feminized seed instead of an autoflower?

Lighting schedule was 18/6 from small plant thru veg. I actually changed light schedule to 12/12 to start flowering.

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She’s a photo period plant if the light flip initiated flowering :love_you_gesture:. I’ve had to flip the light to push a few stubborn autos but that’s usually around 5-6 weeks of breaking ground


My vote. They look too nice, give more time.
If they get worse you can terminate.
Raise lights or lower intensity 10%.
IDK, but, I would.

Im a lillipop person! And I agree with @OGIncognito dont see any foxtails. If it doesnt make it halfway up the plant, I remove it.


Hey @rickybiy702

A lighting schedule shouldn’t Affect an auto Unless you stress it to the point of Hermi

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Those lower popcorns look well formed. If was me i would leavem now. Good edibles for sure. That gg will fatten well. Since the popcorns so far along seems a waste of good material now. Next round a good clean after stretch then forget the bottom mostly. Just me.

You can push a stubborn auto to flower flipp’n the light to 12/12 :love_you_gesture: . I’ve done it a few times as well as several cultivators here growing autos and the herm wouldn’t reveal balls until flowering or pre-flower


Sup fellow late nighter/early mornin person…:grin: @OGIncognito


Good Sunday morning Brother, I actually slept in to 5:00 this morning. You up Kill’n people :joy::love_you_gesture:


I get up at 2AM every day, but not a whole lot a posting going on other than those in Australia and Europe.

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:point_up_2: damn Brother! Back in my hell raising days I would be going to bed the same time I’m getting up now :joy::joy::love_you_gesture:


Nah just up. Bilbo and I are going on an adventure.

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