Curling and discolored leaves. any help?

I mixed the nutes into the water like you said, I was just more concerned about giving the plants all 2 gallons at one time versus a little bit every day

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I used to use fox farm trio. Mix the three components together per the published feed schedules. May need to dilute to get to desired ppm given the plant’s grow stage. Also, as you did, adjust pH to desired pH. Typically I and other trio users would use the feed - water - feed schedule. That is, feed them nutrients as mixed per the feed schedule & pHed. The next time it is water only, or if you need to add calmag or silica, you do this on the water day. Then you return to using the trio the next time.

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O they’ll be fine. After the first month, i like to thoroughly saturate my soil every feed/watering. Marijuana likes the flood to drought feeling of wet wet then pretty dry then wet wet (not coco tho)

So I’m at day 30, week 5, and I have 1 plant in the back right starting to grow white pistols like it’s starting to begin the flowering stage I guess? I’ve read that I should turn down the humidity because it’s been like 80% constantly in the tent and that’s to high for flowering(I think)And I’m concerned about the humidity ive had 2 dehumidifiers running all day and it still was like 80-90%humidity in the tent, i have the grow tent in a shed outside so it’s getting the outdoor weather but I feel like since I have 2 out of the 3 vents closed and my in line fan turned off the humidity should be lower any ideas? @TheVirginian @beardless @oldmarine @Stoneyturtle @PurpNGold74 @OooWee1184

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I don’t tent grow so I’m not going to be much help there but I would think

that has something to do with it… I think you need some ventilation in and out, to get that humidity down. That is the ONLY thing that helped me in a HIGH humidity environment upstairs in a closet on part of the house that is unconditioned currently. I had to put a big (industrial floor type) fan blowing in, in between plant canopies and light, and hung another fan up above the lights at the closet door entry blowing out to “circulate” air in/out of there and it brought my closet down in mid-70s-low80s% rh. I WON’T be able to get that room any lower (it’s my veg closet anyway) til fall/winter. Downstairs, my flowering room, is underground. That whole back half of the house is completely below grade where the house is built into the hill. It’s been a nice 40-50% rh even with TWO blurples running on them flowering so I haven’t had to run into too much to deal with in “worry” over humidity yet. I’m sure i’m going to hit a transition from summer to fall where it’s GOING to affect things in this house. I’ll deal with that as it arises and do what i have to to adjust :wink: Hope someone can help you sort that but i lean towards thinking you need MORE air circulation. Those dehumidifiers are adding heat from operation, and “humidity” by holding water, in the same environment you’re trying to lower it in and without air moving to cool things down i think that’s just a moot point in that battle my friend. Let’s see what others chime in and say :slight_smile:

@TheVirginian so do you think that opening up all the vents would help and turn on my box fan blowing on the outside of the tent and cut my in-line fan back on to up the circulation, I feel like that is a good idea because it seemed like the humidity actually went up when I started up both dehumidifiers because I shut down a lot of the circulation.


At the very least I would try that, yes, and see where things are sitting temp/rh wise then

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So these are pistols indicating that flowering is starting right? Any advice on things that need to change during this stage of plant life and how do my plants look for being 30 days old, beginner here so any info would help a ton

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They look healthy and happy. Yes the pistils coning in means you are beginning to flower.

That humidity wtill sky high? Itll be a nightmare in midflower that high