Curling and discolored leaves. any help?

Raising the light fixed my curling problem but the leaves are still growing discolored, any idea why?
Only fed 2 times first with 1/8 dose of big bloom and second feeding with 1/2 dose of fox farms big bloom and a 1/4 dose of grow big, planted in happy frog
@TheVirginian @oldmarine @beardless @OooWee1184


if you mean the tops being lighter/lime green thatā€™s just what new vegetation coming out does :wink: The bigger fan leaves look SLIGHTLY Nitro toxic (dark and waxy) but you should wait for others to chime in before making any moves. I think they look MUCH better. Maybe a few more days where things are, so you have reference points from before you moved light (tacoing), after moved (looking better but coloring concerns you), and then in 2-4days check again and see where youā€™re at

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Iā€™m talking about the ā€œsplotchyā€ fan leaves, is it light burn? Thatā€™s what other picture look like with light burn


@Payton my plants are doing the same thing as this and are around 4 weeks and some change old, I canā€™t help but Iā€™m posting to see if I can get help too lol


@JaneQP @oldmarine @dbrn32 @PurpNGold74 @Myfriendis410 @MattyBear @Nicky

lets get some gurus in here with much more experience under their belts and see what they suggest :wink:

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Itā€™s either bug damage or variegation.


kind of looks like the leaf miner tracks, but didnā€™t want to say it without someone more experienced noticing that too :slight_smile:

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Again, excuse my ignorance but when I google pics of the leaf miner tracks, it doesnt quite look the same. these are random spots on the leaves that the plant has had since itā€™s first leaves, it kinda looked like the variegation when I looked it up but Iā€™m just not sure

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could very well be. I just saw the ā€œtracksā€ if you will (tiny lighter colored lines) and the only leaf miner damage pics iā€™ve seen are blown up huge to ā€œhighlightā€ the damage. Not saying it is that, just saying it reminds me of what i saw when researching those. Iā€™ll remove myself from the situation and let the ones i suggested give answer. Best wishes

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Probably moved to quickly. U wanna lower light first. Get them used to it over time. Then adjust intensity. I wouldnt have worked up to 100% until just before transitionā€¦ 3-5 weeks of veg usually.

Or I run at 100% just higher. My plants usually start 100 cuz im too lazy forgetful and may not tuen it up. The distance is 36+ inches away tho.

Diff plants do diff things. Even the same strain. Each seed is a diff expression of parental genetics. Even stable genes can express diff phenos among plants. Some will be nute/light sensitive some will be hogs. Like family members.

Sorry @beardless Just cosigning lol.

My vote! I couldnt think of this word for jack squat a couple days ago.

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Haha dude u got us here. Come on back to the party. Could very well be pests (hope not) and miners leave similar damage but much moreā€¦ pronounced? Like little dug lines zigging and zagging. We are all learning right?

But yea. I vote leaf variegation

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Iā€™m still here/reading just meant remove myself from offering suggestions. easily gets ā€œmuddledā€ with multiple answers and i donā€™t HAVE the correct answer so didnā€™t wish to continue aiding in muddling his post up :slight_smile:

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@TheVirginian I appreciate any insight you may have, I have looked up everything that was mentioned between everyone and it is a MASSIVE help, this is my first grow and it has amazed me how helpful and supportive the cannabis community is, thanks to people like you!


So another question for everyone,Iā€™m on week 3 of my grow and yesterday I decided to do the first real feeding for the plants, I mixed up 30 ml (6 teaspoons)of grow big and 60 ml (12 teaspoons) of big bloom into 2 gallons of water, mixed it up l, PHed the water to 6.0, and poured all the water evenly into the 3 different 5 gallon pots, well earlier today someone told me that Iā€™m not supposed to put all the Mix in the pots at one time and dilute it more and water evenly throughout the week, will my plants be ok?

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So another question for everyone,Iā€™m on week 3 of my grow and yesterday I decided to do the first real feeding for the plants, I mixed up 30 ml (6 teaspoons)of grow big and 60 ml (12 teaspoons) of big bloom into 2 gallons of water, mixed it up l, PHed the water to 6.0, and poured all the water evenly into the 3 different 5 gallon pots, well earlier today someone told me that Iā€™m not supposed to put all the Mix in the pots at one time and dilute it more and water evenly throughout the week, will my plants be ok? @TheVirginian @oldmarine @PurpNGold74 @beardless @Stoneyturtle @OooWee1184


I honestly donā€™t know about that line of nutes, or the quantities you used. Hoping some who can help will chime in and give you the answers you need on this one.

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What does the manufacturer say? Follow their instructions. You can feed less. I wouldnā€™t feed more.

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Fox farms nute bottle says to feed double what the website says to feed, I went with the lower dose from the website, Iā€™m just wondering if giving the plants all the bytes at 1 time is going to be a problem vs watering a little every day @oldmarine

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OK. I know some push the nutes for bigger whatever. One way or another you need to feed your plants. I feed my soil and it in turn feeds my plant. If you are reliant on your nutes coming from a bottle, it will be best to feed as directed. I imagine mixing and watering to saturation, but I donā€™t know.

Again, what does the manufacturer say and stick close to that.


Im pretty sure FF says to mix them all at once. Lets check the chart

Thought so. Thereā€™s a chart right under here. From the ppms they def mix all at once into water

You dont wanna mix them all in a jar before adding to water.

Get water.
Add then stir
Add then stir
Add then stir

Check ph and ppms

Pour slowly and saturate soil thoroughly

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