Hahaha! Just trying to find some flavor! No worries about posts. Idc lol
New res
Run off
Ha you can see where midnight was trimmed
Do you have access to extraction device to process the trim?
We were planning on sifting and pressing. I’d rather use some EC and dry ice but I think it’s a good idea to keep alcohol out of the house for a while.
Holy hell! How long did that take ya?
Hope that journey is going along well for you
Happy birthday to you…
Not sure if Covertgrower is too far away but he has a closed loop unit. I’m sure he would help a brother out if that was some you’re interested in.
Looking better, 1-2 taking longer to bounce back.
Needs some tucking.
Um however long it’s taken to to trim all the plants @MadamCalamity
Still one plant left to do!
Some days easier than others!
Never even considered asking, but that would be amazing. Really enjoyed his extraction journal. That’s like a dream. Lol. This time because of time and my odd hours out of the house this sifting is going to be the easiest route.
Did a quick sift on it all, bagged the product. Gonna sift it all again for a second pass, and will continue until the color starts to change.
Umm I’d say roughly 22 hours since some of them were hand trimmed and it took 2-4 hours to do each by hand. I’m assuming when it’s all said and done we roughly spent 24 hours in trim jail. Gotta knock out sneaky freaking today and that one I will be doing by hand as well because I don’t want to destroy the bud structure on it.
What a commitment
How true that is. Some days, it feels like the green doesnt cut it. Those are the days to stay busy with chores or have a day with the kids
Keep it up, it will eventually get easier. I’ve been “sober” for 15 years now. It wasn’t easy but now I’m feeling human again
Thanks Kap! Those are lyrics from a song, but it’s been 5-6 months I think. A lot of Eminem’s lyrics are relatable. Trying!
One day at a time, and don’t kill nobody. You should be fine my friend.
I’m sure we can all relate to this some, just different outlets and methods of dealing with it. For me it has been work, and it’s so easy to hide behind the excuse of being a better provider. In reality things are just more clear cut at work and for the most part will go exactly how I want them to without consideration for anyone else. At home I see what’s wrong and I’m pretty sure of how to fix it, but getting other parties to buy in isn’t the same as being at work where I make the final decision.