Crystals on ak47 autoflower

I have 5 ak47 autos . All 6 1/2 weeks old . Flowering nicely . Question is one of them is very crystaly the others not so much . Does this mean anything ?

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Looks like WPM. White powder mildew. Id wait for more expert advise but thats the looks to me. Some hydrogen peroxide spray mix will help get rid of it. Mix with r.o.water and spray plant. I had to do this once. Left plant infront of a fan til all looked dry again before i threw it under the light again. Worked great for me. I did about a third cup 3% peroxide rest water in a spray bottle. I think mine happened to be dust tho from when i built my room dust got everywhere even past my plastic barriers. Lol. Wasnt good

@9ernation. Doea the white wipe off on ur fingers if u wipe it.

I dont think its mildew . Upon touch it has a very weedy smell to it

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Sorta yes it wipes off .

U have a loop to look at it ull see if it trichs or mildew itll have sharper edges. Total noticable difference.

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Almost looks like lil grans of sugar . Also very sticky

Both stems and some leaves

The small leaves where shes flowering at are covered in these crystals

It could just be wpm built up on the trichs. @Covertgrower @pptrsha1 @imSICKkid. @Cannabian @Hoppiefrog U guys know this stuff. Wpm or no
?? Might wanna fill out a report ticket so they know the all on ur grow. The more they know the better the help. Type support ticket in the search bar and fill one out in here for them to help.

Ty so much. If it is wpm . How bad is it

I think curable with the spray. Ive seen nothing on mine since. Good luck. The guys i tagged will help u get on track. Some smart ladies and fella here.

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All plants are different. Some produce more trichs. than others, and earlier. I don’t see anything in the pics that I would worry about. Can’t see anything in the blurple pics though. Need natural light for pics to be helpful. I have powdery mildew on some garden plants and they look solid chalky white all over the entire plants, not what I see in your pics.


I do not see any WPM,… however I do see evidence of nitrogen excess.
Dark green shiny leaves with some clawing/curling.
What are you feeding her?


I agree with Spiney, I’m not seeing any WPM issues, and you said it’s sticky, so I’ll bet they’re trichomes. But there is an excess of nitrogen.


Agreed with Norman and Covert. The plant pictured just has great trichome production. If you can, I would take a clone and reveg that plant, but watch the nitrogen levels next time because it severely messes with bud development.


WPM looks more like a very compact spider web. Or like a very thin piece of cotton candy. It looks fluffy and usually pretty bright white.


Its gooey! Thats what you want right? Now cut back on the N and you should be good? If we had a support ticket filled out we would be able to get an accurate snap shot of the situation

She was born that way from birth she was deformed . To much N im not sure from what . Ive only ever gave her formula 2 bloom booster . Im very new to growing so i didnt try much . I have another grow started and im wanting to use the line of dyna grow .is that wise ? Also you said i should clone or reveg her . I have no idea how to clone . Can you tell me what to do to reveg her ? Thats after the first harvest right ? Here is another one of my plants started them outside and she got ate by bugs and they topped her . Ty and everyone else for their wisdom . Trying to soak up all the info i can



Whats a suport ticket

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