Cloned blue cheese I cut right at preflowering and let root. She is growing strong but looks mutated. Just wanted to know what you guys think, should I keep her or let her go.
She’s about 4 weeks old if you wanted to know…
Cloned blue cheese I cut right at preflowering and let root. She is growing strong but looks mutated. Just wanted to know what you guys think, should I keep her or let her go.
She’s about 4 weeks old if you wanted to know…
Wow she does , she’s going trough a reveg phase
That’s what I expected. Wanted to let it stay at 18/6 for another month, allowing her to grow. Then switch her to flower
Yeah you should be good it’d that you plan she will be a totally different plant in a month
That’s wild looking!!
Yep gonna be a bit of a road to travel with that one. Prolly.before it gets too much later and u have alot of green on her now. Chop off all the buds that are growing now down the road they will start to mold or rot and cause all kinds of problems. Best to strip it all off now and let it reveg with the leaves and no bud sites.
I’d go 24hrs on the light personally. Seriously doubt you’ll be flowering this in a month. Reverting to veg takes time and vegetative growth can be slow to pick back up once it’s done reverting.