On my 3rd grow. I noticed the air flow was not as good as it once was. I put some diatomaceous powder in the last grow to deal with the gnats and when checking the canister I took off the cloth cover which was loaded with dust. I cleaned that but noticed on the canister itself white powder that made its way through the cloth. Has anyone washed their canister? Or blow air through it, vacume it? Is there a proper way to clean it? Or do you just buy a new one?
Personally , If the filter is clogged up and not flowing good , I would buy a new one.
Good luck
I am a Mr. Fix it kind of guy. So if it can be fixed, I will fix it. No sense tossing out money I can use for something else. If it can not be cleaned I will break down and get a new one…but looks like it is put together with screws so I can probably take it apart and clean it. Just wondered what everyone else does.
I’ve used the same filter for 3 grows on my 4th still have it! Only thing I did was vacuum it while taking an old toothbrush across the screen did the same to the inside as best I could. I also knocked it around and tore my fan apart and cleaned it! And it is working great!! Before I could smell when I added fresh fertilizer. Now no smell. You will see the black come back if it was as dusty as mine lol it was almost caked level with the screen. So imo it’s very possible to clean it. I wouldn’t recommend any water or try it at your own risk. I believe if done it could harden the carbon once fully dry. Not something I’m willing to risk. Not 100% sure this would happen but again not a risk I want to take.