lame question but if you don’t ask you’ll never know . Here goes, can anyone tell me if the cloth pre-filters on charcoal scrubbers are washable or do they need replaced. If needed replaced where can you get them. Thank you for all input…
I would bet that it could be either. I don’t see why you couldn’t wash them.
I’m sure they’re replaceable, but I’ve never replaced mine. I’m willing to bet that you’ll be replacing the carbon filter before that prefilter wears out though. @smellthat
@Covertgrower Thank you only been 3 months and looking pretty dirty. I will pull her off and give it a good wash and dry…
I wash and air dry
@anon46981397 Thanks for that. You turn your scrubber off when you do this ?..
No I have a spare that I swap in to cover. I bought a few fabric covers off Ebay at the very start thinking they would get dirty faster than they do I wash mine monthly and just swap it out
@anon46981397 Thanks for the insight, off to browse Amazon…
They sell charcoal pet filters for 8 bucks at home depot that you can cut to fit… also comes with a cool plastic frame that I cut into tray holders to support the plant off of the tray…
@peachfuzz Thank you, could check that out……You build your own air filtration system ? Open to suggestions. Thanks again…
Yup, everyone that I’ve had came with washing instructions. I like peachfuzz idea too, home improvement stores also sell that stuff.
ILGM Grow Mentor
March 3
Yup, everyone that I’ve had came with washing instructions. I like peachfuzz idea too, home improvement stores also sell that stuff.
@dbrn32 thanks, have some on the way from Amazon but will look into @peachfuzz idea and try to build my own…