Theres two more that are stanky but not as interesting, ones got a nice meaty thing with savory notes and caramelized onion.the other is similar to the #2 pick.
Oh my that brings back memories!!!
Ya me too , this stuffs softer than im used to but its about the same potency (pretty strong but not quite as potent asi prefer) i better set a little piece aside thats the last of it for now
Looks like the azasol was ran through an ultrasonic extraction, its water soluble and no longer a oil. Means safe to use with sulpher , interesting
Looks like he’s using high pressure water there thru the top hose brother.
Ya its a pressure washer nozzle, i would probably add a cross splitter and add a nozzle on the front and back to guarantee all was reached but killer idea i hope to adapt for cleaning pots and trays
Heres something interesting i bumped into
Another bio product to add to a organic ipm program , its about 50$ cdn so cheap enough
Little bit of the morning tunes im digging while i spray the place out
Had to go very light on the azasol application so i didn’t exceed the suggested application rate , i suggest a fogger i had a hard time getting the whole space. I kept temps right around 75f ,lights very dim and applied just as lights came on so they were well rested (greatly reduces chances of photo toxicity)
Now just to wait until all is nice and dry and i can turn the lights back on and up (some are on just at 20%)
It is said it is best to apply bb as early as possible , so i figure i should probably do a bb soil drenc as well today. All plants including clones in soil will receive a bb soil drench today and start the foliar application tomorrow, this will be a 10 straight day assult and then weekly for as long as i feel it is safe to apply to the bud sites probably just one more application beyond the 10 days
I saw that… Pretty ingenious… I hate cleaning those trays
Looks like my inputs and ewc will be here sometime in the next week , microbes will be just behind them as long as the mails moving decently. Having a bit of a rough night the degenerative disk issues are pretty rough from all the leaning over and kennling to spray the room out , hopefully its a bit better by morning when i hotta do it all over again haha
Yesterday the barley sprouts were ready to blend up and add to the water using a paint strainer to keep all the bits of grain out of the soil (major risk for aspergillus)