The room was starting to look hungry and im out of most of my inputs so while i wait for a small tub of abundant bloom in the mail i had to figure out some kind of a balanced feed (not seeing deficiencies just over all low nutrition) so after some brainstorming i remembered i still have a half gallon of bio flora from canna its a 2-2-5 so a bit low on nitrogen for the moment but i can fix that with some cottonseed meal (applying today). This morning i can already see the plants are starting to make use of the feed , i will probably have to do another one of these feeds in a couple days as i only fed about 4% of the volume of the soil (target 10%). Also mixing ratio was only 75% of suggested where im in hungry living soil i expect theres still a fair bit of nutrients available.
We got a legit monster over in the corner , didn’t want her to blow up like this but it is what it is. A shit ton of work to do on her yet , ill take 3 swings at cleaning her up (this is after one heavy rip down)
Rozay rorbet
The eagles take a full on attack every day , so much cleanup required if given a regular veg. I bet a double veg would take care of a lot of the spacing issues , munson was very similar so was p dahlia
The structure is absolutely geared for some heavy donks
The room is looking incredible Hop. An abundance of awesomeness.
Thanks man im happy all the extra efforts are paying off , took a few years of sobriety to get my head back. Its all been a huge learning lesson tbh , feels like were on track now tho
Going with a barley seed sprout tea for enzymes and pgrs @ 10g per gallon of water. I start by shaking the grains in a mesh strainer to remove as much dust and debris as possible (aprox 3 mins) then rinse with ro water while in strainer for at least 5 minuits.then start soak in ro water with 6 pinches of rehydrated kelp. Removing all floating grains and straw and husks/ foreign debris also any visible broken grains. I will soak for about 12 hours in this solution, the grains will double or triple in size when ready to germinate. I should weigh them to see they have gained enough weight but after doing it a few times its pretty easy to do by eye and volume
I should add this is for a 30 gal rez
Chopped the candy dropz and one of the pole dancer males , too many sexual parts lol. It is what it is wish i had more of these to pop but thats it for candy dropz
Honestly the extra pot will come in handy , that soil is in high demand haha
Day and night temps are almost matched now , room is operating at 78f-76f day/night. Its frigging cold tonight , the insulation work is doing its job with ease
You can say that again brother.
The fire wood sure is taking a beating.
Stay warm.
I bet haha , you as well man!
Alright today is the beginning of my ipm program, starting with one round of end all then azerol tomorrow and then 10 days of bb
This am the barley was ready to rinse heavily and co er with damp cheese cloth , notice how much bigger the grains are they almost fill the bottom of the tray at this point.
I will have to rinse these 4 or more times a day , you can pro get away with 2x but its a bit risky
I set up another floor fan that can operate pointing up to 90° , im using this fan to move the air up from floor level to the laminar filter intake. Eventually i will use two of these fans as my down draft fans for co2 enrichment.
This is the other one im betting on