The bags come with mix ratio instructions which is simple enough but what i’m trying to find out is how much of the mixed liquid to apply to the plant during a particular grow phase. In other words for example if i mix .25 grams of seedling fertilizer to a quart of water how much would i actually pour in the soil of one plant? Obviously it would kill the plant to pour a quart of water in a small starter pot…Emailed ilgm support and basically just got an auto response.
Good morning @Libertarian, welcome to the forum.
Just water enough to wet the soil when plants are small, as they grow and fill out you will start watering till you get some run-off out of the bottom. There is no set “Amount” to water as sizes of planters vary so much. Just dont over water. Learn to tell when the soil is dry by picking up the whole planter and feeling the weight. Water when dry.
Trial and error, if it runs out the bottom stop, if it floods out the top stop
Thanks for the welcome. The way i’m reading what you’re saying is to develop a water schedule regardless if you’re fertilizing or not?
And use the fertilizer to the application schedule suggested on the bag.
I like the picking up the pot method to gauge the weight. Will give it a try.
Transferred the germinated seeds to the small pots yesterday.
Just a noob trying not to do anything too stupid during my first attempt.
Just ask questions…Many of us, myself included, learned everything right here.
You may not do everything exactly the same as others, but you will pickup and adapt to your grow area.
And just have some fun.
Will do. Thanks again.
Schedules aren’t good only water when soil drys out if your scheduel calls to water or feed by all means keep this regiment but as for a time stamp go by dryness