Chunky Monkey’s Grow Journal

Can’t say too much. Moving right along. After thinking I aw adding too much (3x) the nutes I realized it was just me trippen. Still ph water only, then full dose of FF BB GB TB CM. Photophone app says I am right on the money with lighting. Now I just let her do her thing. What do y’all think?


Looking good! Keep on keeping on !


Being new to this Question on Plant anatomy. Are these first lower leaves sugar leaves? Now that I’m in flower do I leave them or should I cut them to put more energy in the flower? Next, would you pinch the lower growth or let it ride? Lastly, this little bastard popped up after 2 1/2 months.



@ChunkyMonkey those lower leaves are fan leaves. Sugar leaves is what comes out of the flower as its forming. Your plants look nice and healthy. Try to tuck those big fan leaves to allow for more light to get to your bud sites. If tucking isnt an option, you can take a few to get them out of the way. Its up to you if you want to remove lower growth and /or smaller bud sites. I leave everything and let the plant do it thing after i LST the crap out of em during veg. Any smaller buds i just throw in the hash pile.


Yup that last pic is showing fans. That low to the soil, I tend to pluck them as well.

This focused shot of early flowers is future sugar leaves. Think of them as the ones that get sticky and need trimming after harvest.


Thank you for the info. @PurpNGold74 @ChittyChittyBangin

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Weekly update. Gave her a full dose of nutes Thursday. We went away for the weekend and she blew up into the light. Some light burn but manageable. Moved it back up to 12-14 inches and responded well. Drinking a lot more. Now we’re at a gallon 2x week. Hit her with a full dose of FF trio with cal/mag. Next water Friday will be ph water and sledgehammer per FF feeding table. Pinched some lower bud sights on 1/2 of the branches. leaving the other half to see the difference. Thanks to all for letting me lurk and ask questions. I’ve learned a ton! The Ms. says this is my mid-life crisis. I told her at least I didn’t go out and buy that Audi RS or M5 I drool over. ;-).
Lighting question, would 2 Spider Farmer SF1000 LED bolted together have the same intensity as an SF2000? I know the light pattern may be different, but the same PAR and DLI output?


Welcome to the community, hope all turns out well for ya.

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Tuesday update. Watering, Growing. Trimmed some fan leaves blocking the lower bud sites. Bent the branches a touch to open her up.


Looking good! She’s churning right on along. Should start fking up everything every time you open the tent door

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Thanks @PurpNGold74 Great advise!

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So 17 days from when I found out this one popped. This was not ideal but I’ll figure it out with moving. Had a gnat problem and added some DE and stickied cards. Seems to have taken care of the issue. I’ve been very hands-off Just a little water and the DE. I’ll top this one 2-3 times and give her a full vege instead of flipping her at 4 weeks. Wish me luck.


@PurpNGold74 @ChittyChittyBangin, Have a question. How bad is this screwup? I just noticed last night at 2 am while getting some water that my lights were on. I had them set off from 7 pm to 7 am. The timer pins somehow got bumped to on for a number of additional hours. Immediately reset them. I think it was only since Saturday when I was messing with the tent adding a AC fan and controller. How bad will this affect the plant?

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You should be ok @ChunkyMonkey ive made the same mistake. Take a look at digitial timers. You can get em on amazoon pretty cheep

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Agree on the digital. Just using what I had. Ordering that upgrade now.

Happened in veg so it’s minor. If it occurred in flower, you’d have problems


It did happen in flower… 5 weeks in. What do I look for?

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@PurpNGold74 @ChittyChittyBangin Here are this week’s pics…


Any signs that your veg growth (leaves) are growing again. And checking over for Nanners (boy parts on girl plants)

So last week everything looked great, Green, growing, and Moving right along.
Then I get fancy and get a PH/PPM pens. Calibrated and then tested the runoff of 1.5 gal of 6.4 PH water.

WELL, Runoff was 4.9-5.1 PH and 3200PPM. What do I do? Hit it with 3 more gal of PH water to get the PPM down. PH at the end was still low at 5.1 but the PPM ended up being 4100. I had to walk away. This is only happening on the bud leaves. No browning on the lower leaves.

What is hapening?