Well heres a little update on my scrog.
have yall ever had two tops grow together like this?
Wonder ifI can use this for the solo cup challenge. Lol @yoshi @Graysin @AfgVet @Newt @beardless @Myfriendis410 @TT
Well heres a little update on my scrog.
sounds like the perfect challenge lol
Lol, might get you in the running for a solo cup challenge
Thats probably the only way. Ive repeatedly tried to get cloning down, I even made myself a big fancy cloning machine. I must be doing something wrong i put in my netcups with claypebbles then my shoots and it never works out to well for me,
I’ve found cloning difficult with a cloning machine deal. I’ve done it, but it seems to take forever.
Keep the temps warm, mist the leaves and the clones stems just barely touching the solution. Digging the DIY cloner
I gotta do somemore research my skill level has got to get better. Thank yall again Ma’am. Try to make that thumb behave lol.
Thank you so much. I just try and make due with what I got. I was going to try 1/4" line with fine mist, ( like i use on my vegging girls to keep my humidty right) but I read somewhere large droplets do better… so thats what I went for with the toolbox. My little one is just a butter bowl with a plastic cake box sitting on top with 2" netcups full of clay pebbles and an airstone bubbling in the middle. I try to keep the solution right at the very bottom of the cup barely touching.sometimes it works, sometimes just slime. But thank you for the knowledge. It is very much needed and appericated. Peace and Happy Growing to ya.
Right on, I’m a DIY dude and grow in my garage under the radar. I’ve cloned in just water then transferred to solo cups with coco but bought a cheap little cloner on Amazon and it works pretty good. Had several that weren’t sprouting roots in December and it basically came down to ambient and nutrient solution temps and RH. After I got the tent temps up to 80, RH around 65% and misted the leaves daily they took off. I think I paid around $30 bucks for this little cloner. I could have built this but work takes a lot of my free time
@OGIncognito Thats awesome im going to take a pic of what im doing as we speak. Give me a sec.
Hell yeah Brother, you got it! Yep, think you solved the mystery with the net cups
Here are those same clones 2 months later, about 7-10 days left on these. I started with around 10 clones, culled 4 and left 6 to grow. I flipped the light early on these for space reasons and attempting a SOG. They’re roughly 2’ tall
Beautiful friend, hopefully one day ill get to that level. Scratch that hopefully I live long enough to work out how to get to that level. Odds are in my favor for once. Lol
You’re on the right track Brother and doing well. I could show you some pics of my 1st grow that would have you laughing or wondering what the hell is that
Get that foop cloning gel you will have roots in 5- 7 days good good stuff .
Thanks @yoshi you d man!!! Love yall
I am a man , Not the man lmao , if i can help i tries cause its my way of giving my respect and love to others by helping them . Just imagine if i can make money doing this , i might get a few dollars
, hell i dont even sell weed , i just know how to grow it abd im not that good at it but i can grow a plant .