Cheddar cheese grow daily diary

Just planted 2 cheddar cheese seeds in DWC rockwool. The water is 2” below the net pot. The rockwool is directly on the bottom of the net pot. They’re under domes at the moment so their humidity is higher than the numbers on the display. I’ll post daily updates


I wondered about that strain. Gives me the munchies before I even smoke it😁. That’s a interesting set up can you always see that way? Sorry if that’s a dumb question. I grow RDWC and used rock wool my first grow. It was strange putting the seed in it expecting it to grow. It worked great. I’m going to use Qplugs this time. Good luck keep me posted


Good morning growmies! The girls sprouted yesterday. They must be eating because the TDS has dropped to 320/330. Here’s some pics from today…

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Morning growmies! Here’s the daily update. Looking good. The TDS is actually back to 370.

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morning Joe…when taking TDS or PH measurements make sure to swirl the pen around in the liquid take it out and shake out excess water and measure again…do this a couple times and you should finally see a repeatable/good reading after doing this…some stuff gets lodge in the pens and that can give false readings so you want to make sure to keep the pen clean… just my experience with my readings…


Cleaning and storage fliuds available.
My meters will grow green stuff, if not maintained clean.


Thanks for the tips. Meters are clean. Think it’s just trapped air bubbles in the meter

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Girls are growing nicely. Moved my humidifier outside of the tent.

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Happy Sunday growmies! Made a couple of adjustments to the tent. Moved the humidifier and exhaust fan/carbon filter out of the tent. This allows me to run the exhaust fan at a higher level and maintain humidity. I gained at least 18” of head room by removing the fan/filter. Girls look great….SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO OLDRETIREDGUY FOR ALL HIS WORDS OF WISDOM!! MANY THANKS MY FRIEND!!

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glad I could help you achieve the grow you want…

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The girls have already grown to the top of the net pots, so I raised the light a little to keep it around 20DLI.

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instead of raising the light you could have turned the min/max down… the LED is not like a regular light…think of it like a strobe light… it turns on full blast when turned on just not for a long period at min setting but still puts out the same wavelengths but the intensity level or DLI you are looking for just appears closer to the light…

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Day 6. So far so good….

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One week. Leaf temps are 2-4 degrees below room temperature. A couple leaves are growing under the reflective cover. Should I cut the hole a little bigger or just leave it alone?

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Happy Thursday growmies! Girls are growing up….

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didn’t need to cut that hole bigger did you…girls look good

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Nope. Didn’t cut the holes bigger, just gently lifted the covered leaves above it

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Wow. They’re really growing! The leaves on top of the reflective cover seem to be twisting a little. Probably a little too much light for those leaves……

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morning growmie…

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Busy Saturday. Here’s some pics of the girls

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