Check out the bondage

So this is a zombie og clone grown just like ones you see pictured. Anyway I bought a bunch of plastic chain for no reason a while back but have found the perfect use for. Training is reallly easy and adjustable if you use this method, you can train it a link at a time. Ive got couple Granddady Purp and Gold Leaf seedlings going also. I just topped them the first time today.

Best of luck everyone.


I’ve never seen that before! Pretty cool looking! Happy growing :call_me_hand:t2:


Do you whip it too! Looks like its will work.


We call those earrings :muscle::muscle::love_you_gesture:


Yea it acrually works really well. It lets me train in very small increments but is by far the simplest method I found. Because this was a clone I created it had a slightly tighter canopy so I had to spread it out which was difficult until i figured this method out. These girls are like little Oak trees, strong as hell. Calmag did them good


Nice! Cute and fun :crazy_face: :smiling_imp: :+1:

I use a slightly different approach but it sure is fun tying them down, one way or another! :crazy_face:

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