hey guys! i just wanted to share my experience with these bad boys! i started with 5 and only 3 made it but ive kept this grow to a minimum just to see what comes out of it.
this here first one has been in the dirt for a month. its been cold sitting in the window since im in minnesota and the weather isnt warmed up yet. but she hasnt died yet so thats a plus so far
this one here was dead dead. had 0 hope for her. i had gotten to protective and ended up overwatering it. she was shriveled into nothing at one point. but shes making a gnarly return! lets hope these two arent herms.
Now onto my baby! i havent done anything that i did with the other two. i used regular field dirt, watered when dry method and this thing is growing daily! shes on her 3rd week. no nutes for her. just water. added some other dirt ontop to maybe give a little bit of nutes but not really sure if its doing much.
What ive learned thus far is that no matter how much you love your little girl that if you take care of it to much itll die. the less you do the more that happens seems to be the thing with these girls! anyways! have a great days gents n ladies!
Some girls are like that. I banished one on 4-14, evicted from tent and container into exile.
She is still going strong. Burned with wrong feed. I will name her BUNNY, after the Energizer Bunny
Good luck with the experiment. Are you starting these to go outside or are you trying to grow them with indoor sunlight only?
I am curious how long the one in natural soil will last. If it is rich loam soil it may do OK. I would be happy to give some of heavy clay soil to experiment with. It turns into concrete if it dries. Cannabis does not like constantly wet feet.
Give it a go. Ya never know.
@TrueNorthGrowingCompany I imagine it’s a pretty short grow season up in Minn. your first and third pics look really good and I’m sure the stunted lady will rebound for you!! Good luck and Happy Growing!!!
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@TrueNorthGrowingCompany a lot of folks in here name their plants, you could call your stunted one Kirk Cousins since it’s stuck around and survived so much adversity lol.
my mans! Kirk Cousins it is!! thats so clever and funny! but yes its pretty rough and especially this year! havent seen a day over 75 F here yet! im most worried about the first one. Mrs Cousins is comin along tho!
@beardless two of them are going to be going outside once the ground is above 50 F. im thinking about keeping the 3rd one inside the whole grow just to see the differences between outside and inside right from the jump ya know. this dirt dries and cracks when it gets really dry so i usually water it right before then but still use the same water when its dry method. id be willing to test almost anything to see what these girls can all encounter and overcome!
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Ya, I have a 9 Pound Hammer photo I call Nina. Why? Cuz you use 9lb hammers to hit Nine Inch Nails! Have a Dutch Treat photo that had a hard start as a seedling and her leaves were deformed, pretty ugly looking. So she got called Stevie. Ugly like Steven Tyler, hoping she would grow up like Stevie Nicks! My Bruce Banner auto didn’t get a name…I’m only using her for a quick turnaround…wham bam thank you ma’am!
This is Ugly Stevie on April 7, the tips of her leaves were indented, more like a heart-shaped rather than coming to a point.
This was her 3 days ago…growing up and blossoming! Hello Stevie Nicks! Time to top her when I get around to it.
Oh, here’s Nina 3 days ago
I am out of room. Inside and outside have me at a maximum.
Currently plan trim one a day (six candidates, FIM TOP, LST, and cuttings for clones.
Culling two indoor plants in a week.
4 plants in crown fill my 4x4 and too much work for more.
Outside grow area limited to possibly 6 max for two months.
Outdoor patio full of transitional or GIVE AWAYs.
3-3 purchased 6 clones and 5 seeds.
3-3 ordered for 3-week delivery 10 clones
3-10 purchased seeds (lots)
3-24 10 clones arrived.
95-100 % germination (UNEXPECTED)
66% survival on plants and clones after David VALDEZ did a chemical dump (above 50% expected when David the Destroyer, David the drop artist, or David Scissorhands is involved).
Awaiting sex-out reduction (ZERO so far, Unexpectedly).
Cutting for clones still in development, but none considered viable today (XX to ZIP??)
Forum advised methods for training and designing plants as they grow are being practiced, few terminal candidates beyond the Valdez Dump. Equipment inventory sadly under stocked for new design changes.
Goal for this grow was to out-fit, engineer grow space acceptable to wife and available environment, practice growing, chemical and hardware UPGRADE acquisition, learn grow vs calendar date vs day timing vs environment, obstacles encountered prior to Fall grow. @noddykitty1 Mall trip ?
Often times very true. Weed thrives on neglect (but only so much of it).
Outdoor grow Summer 2022 started in April (too early).
Mothers’ Day outdoor dates in the future.
3 in soil and 3 in bags.
Tended and lived in spite of only 3 hours direct sunlight daily, if available.
Harvested Oct 17 due to PNW rains arriving. Oct 1 future harvesting dates.
Unknown quantity or quality as I harvested most for seed inventory.
Still mining for seeds.
Seedlings (males and Hermis) from Spring 2022 indoor garden produced seeds so I banished the males to outdoors. Terminated them after a month. Seeds plenty, too many, viable above 50% and produces healthy looking seedlings. ILGM Maui Waui seeds germinated 11-11-2022.
Summation: grow successfully completed because all phases completed.
Seeds, germination, seedlings, vegetative growth, clones, flowers, polinating females, growing seeds, and seeded seedlings. Methods and objectives changed thru out the grow. Equipment, Heat, Chemicals and PH pen issues and constraints guided or limited management of indoor garden. Successfully learned many methods that do not produce healthy plants. Lighting equipment inadequacies or deficiency limits grow, somewhat. Weed Trim bin and flower harvesting greatly improving quality of smoke being tested, while mining for seeds. Awesome flowers being indoor garden produced currently, not previously. Timing and temps experienced and managable. Forum support appreciated.
Now that’s a mouthful lol!! Good morning @DEEPDIVERDAVE !! You’ve been super busy tending pharm!! 
Forum Reading 2 hours a day (knowledge base expansion). Garden grow activities, dry & cure training, 7 surgeries in 2 years, and now the wife’s turn. Busy for sure. 40 years to make up for. Was easier working for USAM.
Thanks, Good growing to you!
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