"CHAT"Northern Lights #5 BX Community Grow Off Chat

Same lol. It’s a NoNo here too, but medical is legal. No flower, though, which is strange. Can get tincture and edibles but not smoke. I’m sure that’ll change soon enough, but recreational probably not for a while


I have seen some places selling THCA carts, and attempting to use that loophole.


You can walk in any gas station here and buy straight up weed. It’s bud. Sometimes actually decent. But it’s labeled THCA so it squeezes through that loophole.


Theres actually a dispensary close by that has some pretty good THCa flower and gummies.


Our governor is spineless… pun intended.


Here at the closest dispensary to us it feels like how I would imagine a methadone clinic to be. Triple check license, stand in strange feeling lines with no store like atmosphere to look at a printed page of products with no pictures or descriptions other than THC levels while talking to people through a glass window. I’d love if it was at the gas station… :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:


Here it is 8 hours later…all five Northern Lights #5 BX seedlings have hatched. They all shed their seed shells on their own so no helmet heads this time.

It only took 4 days plus a couple of hours for all five of them to spring into life as seedlings. That is a record short time for me.

I have powered up the small tent and will move the seedlings over there tomorrow. I don’t want them to be exposed to flower schedule lighting for much longer.

I wouldn’t mind going flower schedule from the start but that is not how the community grow off is structured.


Have you ever just did entire grow from seedling to finish on a flower schedule,12/12 light schedule, not including autoflower. I was curious as to how that would work out.


I have not done it yet but @Covertgrower does it regularly I believe. The plant will veg until it is mature and then go into flower.


@MattyBear and @AfgVet also grow 12/12 from start to finish… :nerd_face:


@MattyBear has been doing this for a few years with great results.

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Looks Like #9 is struggling 8 are soring


It is the start of day three for me, as my grows are typically an evening/early morning operation. It is 12:33am here, and all 5 are still showing no signs of life yet in the solo cups.

I just dropped them in freshly soaked soil and then when the top soil gets dry feeling i literally just drip a few drops of water over the seed locations from that point on when i feel they may need it. So far since i dropped them, i have only dripped water on them once. I am starting them uncovered in a low humidity environment (my shed in wintertime).

They just got moved the the back right earlier from me chopping that plant! :partying_face:

Ignore the hydrometer hanging…i had the room door open and it was exposed to the lung room part of the shed for over an hour with me chopping it out of the screen.


Humidity in my house today was 18% its takes me 3 humidifiers to keep the Rh where I want it. When ever I open my tent the rh drops immediately. I can look at my controller app and tell when I or anyone else has been in my tent.


So the NL is opening up and looking strong now. So sprouted I have 1 NL 1 Pink Runtz auto, germinated/ waiting to break medium 1 white widow auto 1 Michigan mystery.

Also swapped the flowering reveg into the 2x2.


@dbrn32 I’m going to have to drop out. I’m having no luck within this time frame. I have 2 more soaking and this will make 6.

So I’ll just watch from a far this event. Thanks for including me and giving me a chance.


My little t3 is having to run 24 7 to keep up rh in the nursery. Im refilling it once or twice a day. Even in the bus and veg room where i have the rh set lower, the humidifiers in there are running nearly 24 7 and they are 5 gal


I’m not dead yet but it’s not looking good for me either.


@Kfeather I’ll tag you in my journal. Ive been running 12/12 from sprout for a while now.


So my guys or gals roots have reached the bottom of their nursery bags. Going to transplant tonight and bury them close to the first set of leaves as they have gotten long. I think i read males grow faster than females and if thats the case i have 1 male and possibly 4 females.

I wonder how my humidity will fare being the lung room is at 30%. I need to find my other fogger just in case and run 2.

The roots grow out of these bags easily it looks like. Wondering if i should cut the bag off or leave them in it.