For the past two days I have been trying to upload a picture of my plant. It says “upload 0%”. I have never had a problem before. I just did a speedtest and my upload speed is 23mb. I was just in a post where people were uploading pictures so it isn’t affecting anyone else? How do I fix this? Also if I try to reply to any post it will go back to trying to upload the picture and I can’t create a reply.
I just went into my firefox settings and manually deleted any cookies associated with this website. None of them were older than a couple of minutes but it worked. I was just able to upload a picture.
That’s not very helpful MrPeat, LOL. It worked after I cleared cookies and now it doesn’t again.
I have more issues with tagging others and editing a post as the area shows no written words.
I can upload a picture to this post but not the one we were in a few minutes ago about soil and nutrients. Do you know who I can tag to help with this?
No as they are aware of the problem but its Sunday so probably have to wait for them to address it hopefully this week.
Are you saying they are aware of it because I created this post or other people are having the same issue?
I get the same. But was told the office was made aware of it. And yes. It is more than just you with the issues
Many are having this issue. You are not alone.
Many of us are having the same issues.
Thanks guys.
I thought it was just our internet being crappy but its not my internet.
You confused me earlier because you said “you are bout the only one having this issue” You have edited since then. LOL.
My problem I have is editing. When I hit to reply, the screen shows no words so when I edit I have to rewrite it all over. Pain in the arse since this has been going in a couple of days.
I have to hit the refresh most of the time to get it to show what I posted.
Same here.
Not2SureYet has the solution to that.