Cannabis leaf sexing strains

My question is a little different, but I’m hoping with the amount of professional growers on this forum I might be able to find some additional resources.

While researching the sexing of cannabis I’ve only been able to find contemporary books, articles and studies that indicate cannabis plants can only be sexed by their organs. The only other option for sexing cannabis plants is with DNA testing.

I’m assuming the list of cannabis strains that have a different leaf count between male and female may be extremely low. So, I’m hoping there’s a seasoned grower on this forum who can help me find some literature on those strains? Thank you

My understanding is that the only reliable ways to sex a plant are to wait until it sexually matures and show sex or have genetic testing done. There are a couple of growers around who have done genetic testing and may be able to point you to a resource. I have never seen reference to strains and leaf counts. It sounds like bro science nonsense to me.

I’d be interested in reading what you’ve read to lead you to believe leaf count is relevant. Can you post a link?


I realize my question makes me look a little foolish, my little circle of local grower friends also questioned my belief.

40 plus years ago I stumbled across this strain and I’ve been growing it yearly for the last 15 years. I haven’t been able to find any literature to verify my assumptions, but the results are always the same.

These plants are one month old, there’s no sex organs and they have 11 finger leaves(male).

This is the same strain, one month old and they have 9 finger leaves(female).

I’ve never had a 9 leaf male or 11 leaf female, the results are always the same, 9 leaves for females and 11 leaves for males.


How about a link to what you’ve read? I’m really interested in reading it. All cannabis plants have a progressively increasing number of odd numbered leaves as they mature.

The bottom line is that if you are growing from fem seed, then you are more that 99% likely to have a female. We only see a few cases a year of males resulting from fem seed.

I don’t have a link, article, book or anything about determining sex by leaf count. I’ve read tons of cannabis growing, botany, feeding and the history of cannabis books. I’ve read college studies and old High Times magazines looking for any mention of sexing plants by leaf count. I’ve also looked through other cannabis forums and the conclusion is always the same, bro science, myth or a type of pheno.

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