Can you defoliate during flowering

i have an auto that ive been doing lst, started showing pistils maybe a week ago, is it safe to do any light defoliation? She looks pretty good so far but it just doesn’t look like itll get airflow through the center


@goldiemouth270 yes you can a soon you don’t get her full out of leaf a little defoliation is not bad for autos more light to you Flowers

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I wouldn’t take to much off of this one you’ve done a great job opening it up but if there’s a pesky leaf or two that are covering a budsite or something it won’t hurt to take it off but I wouldn’t take off anything more than that


I’d wait til like 3rd week or so of flower it really don’t look bad. U can look from atop and see floor in quite a bit of spots the more u strip off now the less bud production u will have at the end.


I agree with not taking much at all as your plant already looks good and airy. Great job on spreading her out.

With that being said. I would wait till after flowers get established. You can defoliate at 21 and 42 days of flower and take any leaf that protrudes from the stalk. Good luck! Keep’em growin! :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:


thanks for the responses, ive never done lst or defoliation so new to it


I like nebula’s approach to defoliation if you want to check her out she a co-founder of growweedeasy if you search for the site then once on their site search defoliation she has a couple articles/tutorials she’s really good at explaining stuff


I also see a nice job done there. As others have said, yes you can trim but at this point it is not needed.


I’d leave it alone unless a leaf goes bad.


Oh, as a side note, I hope you have a plan for after the harvest. That (IMHO) has potential to be quite a haul! :star_struck: My uninformed, useless, not to be relied on opinion/prediction: close to 1/2 lb ( 200g+ ) :thinking: maybe more. :open_mouth:

lol i hope so, as for the plan- when i say i smoke a lot, i go through a few ozs a week just smoking by myself


Boss level 10 :sunglasses:

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lol, i use to smoke cigarettes, since i quit- instead of 20 cigs a day, its 20 joints/ blunts…plus i have seizures and marijuana is the only thing tht keeps em at bay, have been on numerous meds over the years but none helped


Agree with @MeEasy, you did a great job of spreading her out. Defoliating autos is risky especially the growth stage they’re in. :love_you_gesture:

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I don’t see any need to defoliate your plant: it’s open enough and less is more with autoflowering plants.

FYI bud sites do not need light nor does flower. Leaves yes.


I also quit the cigarettes and have been tempted to smoke 20 joints a day instead but many factors prevent this.

Love the fact that nature provides a cleaner remedy than big pharma and being able to grow your own medicine is awesome!

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This is the reason I grow! The meds the doc put me on didn’t help and when I would have one their answer to it was to bump my meds up. Ever since I’ve started smoking weed I haven’t had a seizure since.


It never hurts to open up the canopy some for better light . Uncover some bud sites. Always a good thing IMO

The plants buds do not need light to form and grow. The plant itself needs leaves to grow and form buds. Do as little leaf trimming as possible. The plants leaves will die off as it grows and it will trim itself as needed.

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I do. I hate trimming. Makes cleanup much easier