Can too much light intensity cause hermie

I plucked the few sacs off and moved my light higher seems to responding good


This was about 24 hours ago wen i moved the light up more

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Basically, anything that would cause stress can cause a hermie in an auto.

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I believe even the stress of the autoflower trait is even a cause for herms.


Hey thanks hopefully it stays female so far so good but im pretty sure that was the cause of it

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Will also cause foxtailing. I run into that with my 350r as I continue to learn to use it.

Like mentioned above, stress can be a factor in causing a plant to hermie.

What makes you think light, if you don’t mind me asking? Not really seeing any light problems with your plant. There may be a little N deficiency if anything. Good luck and keep’em growin! :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:

@Zach2 nailed it :love_you_gesture:

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Hey so i bumped them up to 90% abd around the same time it produced a few male sacs at the bottom of the plant but the light was also only 5 inches away from it i have it up about 10 inches now n havent seen any more male parts jus a crap liad of female sproutsand jus do to how pale the leaves were they sewm to ve going back to a darker green now since i raised the light

Hey wats fox tailing and this is my first go with my new light

It’s where the calyx’s stretch on the buds, and look like little tails. This buds is foxtailing slightly. Google foxtailing and you’ll see some buds much worse. Some sativa strains do it genetically, but typically they shouldn’t unless they’re stressed, and light stress will cause it.

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Had that happen to me on my first grow
Woulda been cheaper to off bought a good light at first daam thing was 6 foot tall i ran out of ceiling height


No more male parts since adjusting my light hieght n tuned my light back down 75% :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:still watching it very closley