Can I mix Fertilizer

My question is I’m in the first week of flowering. Can I mix Fox Farm Big Bloom and Grow Big along with Tiger Bloom or would that be too much fertilizer.

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You can mix it as per their feeding schedule. I mix all together every time I water.

You probably have this but… I mix together, in a gallon, whatever it says for the week I’m in. I’ve been doing 1/2 strength though.

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You can also see it give TDS PPM reference at the top. Based on those numbers, they are certainly expecting you to mix them together.

Okay thank you Matthew. I didn’t want to burn up with too much fertilizer.

Just go light on them to start. I’m still doing 1/2 doses and I’m 3 weeks into flower. Going to start adding more today since I think they need it. I mix in cal-mag as well.

Do you have a TDS meter? A sure way to tell if it’s too much is to check the PPMs.

Good luck!

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You beat me posting the bible of ff nutes @Matthew420 lol
You are good

No I don’t have one of those checker’s. I have mosture and pH testers is
all. But next time I water I will do the half dosage for a few weeks.

What is calmag

Cal-Mag is a pretty popular additive. It would be good to at least have some on hand. I’m running into a calcium deficiency now so I’m glad I had it on hand.

Okay my friend I will pick some up.

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I have a Cal Mag I have had for a grow and a half and not needed using the fox farms . A mentor suggested Liquid Karma it helps with stress of trans planting or transition to flowering. Not saying the Cal Mag is a bad thing or that you don’t need it just I wish I hadn’t bought so many things That I ended up not really needed to grow . The FF trio along with the dry trio was real good to my plants all on it’s own . But with all the extras I don’t really need I could have got largre fruity mix pac of ILGM beans instead . :flushed:


I’m using FFOF and the nutes and still need the cal-mag. I think partly because my water is so low in PPM’s to begin with.

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One of those things, if you need it you’ll be glad to have it. But, you could always run out and buy it if you see a problem.

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I with you @Matthew420
I’m using the fox farms liquid trio and had to use cal mag
Had calcium def in veg stage once cal mag was added problem solved I also added a tea spoon per gallon of epsom salt for extra magnesium
Nice healthy green plants the rest of the grow :grin::+1:

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Thanks Countryboy. I think they are getting better.

They look good hard to see the color under led light but they seem happy and healthy
If you don’t have the cal mag I would pick some up its cheap enough and you don’t need a lot so it will last you a few grows
Happy growing :v:CB