Can I indefinitely clone a plant?

My question is if I start a plant from seed. Grow it to maturity. Then take a clone from that plant. Grow the clone to maturity and then take more clones from that plant. Can a keep repeating this process ? Will this even work ? And if so will the plant get weaker each time i clone ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I bought some clones off of Craigslist Aug '21, no idea how long they’d been cloned for at that point. Cloned them around October '21 and gave them to my future son-in-law. Got a cutting back in September '22. Grew them out and took cuttings off those around early Christmas (?? I’d have to check my journal) and they are in the flower tent now. And I’ve got some cuttings of those rooting out now for this summer’s outdoor grow at my son-in-law’s dad’s place.
And they are still going strong! But I won’t keep any more cuttings from them, have enough of that strain and want something different. That and my Death Bubba is susceptible to WPM. My Dutch Treat clones I started from a seed and have taken about 4 or 5 generations from it, also going strong, a more resilient strain to WPM. I have more seeds of it so when I start back up in October after shutting down in September, I may do more and clone those too!
Point is, they can last generations, longer than I want to grow them!

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You should keep a mother plant and clone from it. If you keep cloning and cloning over you will eventually weaken the strain and be inviting problems as well as diminishing your product.


This: :point_up_2:

For fifteen years that is how I grew. Find some bag seeds, grow until they start flowering, taking clones of any females and discarding the males, then keep the female(s) going grow after grow. I didn’t have space to keep a big mother plant growing.

I kept that up for 4-5 years at a time until a disaster would occur and the plant(s) would die off.

Thanks everybody
for the information