The spots appear to be calcium deficiency. If youre adding calmag and still see them appearing, it maybe pH is outta wack. Are u checking your solutions and runoffs?
The leaf damage is either self inflicted or u have a larger pest problem. Possible caterpillars. They so BIG damage seemingly overnight
I’ve only used calmag couple times i think but I never done a run off or a slurry test but I just got all new nutes so well see
But ill add more cal-mag rn im feeding them Today
I add a bit of calmag to every feeding. Not alot but to play safe. When i do just water days i do 5ml per gallon i mix 5 gallons at a time well 15 but in 5 gal buckets add 25 ml per bucket unless i use the base nutes which have it then i do 1ml to 2ml per gal.
Make sure when u mix nutes u mix right also. If u use silica add silica to water first then calmag then nutes calmag and siloca will bond with other nutes if not mixed siloca first calmag second then nute lineup. Calmag first if u not using silica.
Shit I did cal mag then silica last , after nutes then adjusted ph. @Mark0427
Man went to my Hydroponic Store An Dude said same thing shit I didn’t know.when you think I should do a soil slurry @Mark0427 @PurpNGold74 and check ppm
Good call! @Mark0427 i never remember that. Always silica first
And Also the Damage is from me and them thin ass twist ties @PurpNGold74 I tried to use thicker ones but waiting till flower or sumn, and I dont think I have any pests in their I used some nematodes and neem oil
Yep ull know if it clumps or doesnt do right. Should always be a clear colored if it looks loke little seamen floating around something did not go right when mixing should always be a clear not foggy. Mixing wrong proy cause it to where nutes are not being absorbed right i would guess to say.
It mixed well but with nector of the gods I always see shit like in the water from the nute line but other than that it’s Good I Believe @Mark0427
I have bud ignitor that seems to have small pieces of stuff in it also. It looks like a paper thin layer of the mix or something. If u mix it wrong and pour it in a cup ull see its wrong it will look chunky slimy vs clear colored nutes. I did it on accident once and noticed it i did cal ma h first then siloca and it strait up went to looking like sperm swimming in the water. I knew something wasnt right then i was told silica first calmag second. I use jacks 321 so i mix up part a and epsom first then silica then calmag if used then bio root. Any other additives u add then part b last bif pt b is not last then it causes the same thing that it will cause if u did calmag then silica. They bond together and clump up and thats not good
Well from what I see in the picture one the changes of Green could be new growth spurt or PH out of wack. 2nd thing I see in the first picture is spots on the leaves hopefully that’s just spillage from watering, and not pest. Pest is whole different problem. I don’t know I don’t use Cal mag so I couldn’t tell you anything about it. But what I can tell you is what works for me as a PH roughly 5.8- 6.2 work great for me my light turn down to less than 50% and keep constant airflow feed Wednesday, then my sauce Saturday for fat growth 18:6 timer
What sauce for Saturday and you feed every Wednesday??
Well did slurry test their all under 6.3 but one of them is at 5.9ph and ppm are around mid 500s to 600s @OldSkool
Still spreading? Updated pic?
Still spreading? Man whats up im confused lmao but ill post a picture man
Happy birthday there purp. Canna day one of the 2. Lol. Happy fathers day also if ur a dad. Wishing all the dads and single moms a happy fathers day.