Took them outside again today for some sun therapy. I’m most grateful for these awesome auto genetics and California sunshine
to supplement the indoor part of this soon to become outdoor grow.
Look at those big leaves I can hardly wait to get plants out I think June 16 ??
TGIF all, I’m most grateful for their development, maybe a few will go outside next week, we shall see. I did some more low stress training to further stimulate lower vegetative branching.
Future homes here, lots of soil, a gallon, a 200 gallon, two 30 gallons, and a 65 gallon will house them outside, I can hardly wait to see how they do.
They are going bonkers too, looking good dude!
Thank you Amigo
Moved everyone to different spot. 4 of these going outdoor tomorrow, transplanted into bigger containers.
I spilt about 3 gallons of ph adjusted water between them after lights came on, some of these babies going outside today
Daylight savings needs to be outlawed. Hard to believe I started germination 22 days ago, these auto genetics are awesome!
Looking good! Which one is going in the 1000 gallon grow bag?
Thank you @AAA
2 GG#4 in 200 gallon bag. One GG#4 in gallon, one Candy Cane in a
gallon, and another Candy Cane in a 65 gallon.
2 lambs breath staying indoor longer.
Going big as always!
I am experimenting with huge container autos outdoor, testing an idea.
One of the lambs breath going to a friend’s backyard soon and into a 25 gallon bag, the other going out with others here, maybe in a 30, a 45, or a 65 gallon bag, depending how strong I feel. They’re staying inside another week.
Added mini greenhouses, cooler weather coming this weekend, must accelerate their development and raise temps a bit. It appears none suffered transplant shock. Going to water them deep tomorrow morning, supposed to get 80, will likely just keep flap open on and leave on…or I may take off to water.
I’m most grateful to do this grow folks!
The 2 Lambs Breath staying inside til next week I think…one of them really taking off
I’m most grateful
Looking happy and healthy!
Hell yeah! Let’s see those autos go!
No transplant shock, watered then all thoroughly yesterday, plus both Lambs Breath outdoor now, one on cart above going to a friend. Mine below in 30 gallon bag on top of another 30 gallon bag, haha. My indoor growing is over for now.
I’m most grateful folks TGIF cheers!
I have them all covered except the one leaving soon.
52 degrees with sone rain, clouds and sunshine here and there.