Calibrating Apera PH pen

The PH60 comes with about a 1/2 ounce . As you can see my probe stored with 4 PH solution.


I cleaned and recalibrated twice. Its now reading .5 high. Im hoping the calibration solution is just contaminated. Ive ordered new solution.

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Good luck.

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Hold it until it blinks and than retest the solution for each solution !

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You can buy it cheaper from etsy or you can get some KCL (potassium chloride) and make your own with distilled water, just thise two ingredients.
Just look up 3M KCL and you will find the formula there. If you already have a scale you are goid to go.
Or, go to your local vommunity college and see if they will make you some.
If you make your own, just make a small crease in some paper like a goody piwder and tare out the paper weight then add the recipe frams og KCL add the water and keeping it warm stir until disdolved. Make sure to usr a clean container to store it in. The ph of the dolution should rum betwern 5 and 6.


Mine sat in distilled water for over a year and wouldn’t read at all, just an error code. Soaked for a few days in storage solution and came in .2 off. Dead nutz after calibration.

If you look around you can find 3 pack of quart sized containers fairly cheap. Both cal points and storage solution. I just use dropper to take what i need out of each and discard when i’m done. It maybe seems a little expensive, but my ph20 is from something like 2016 and my sx620 from 2020. Buy once, cry once.

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I’ve got the PC60 and I’ve read it’s best to not keep the PPM probes wet, just the glass bulb. And I have kept mine in a storage solution since the beginning, but I noticed if you just fill the stand cap to the fill line it doesn’t cover the little black PPM probes.
The PC60 has a probe that they say can test “soft materials” and then site soil as one of those items. Problem is when you read the reviews people say it breaks easily. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with that attachment?

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Do u have the storage solution for it to set in when not in use.?? That’s a big part of apera also. Making sure u have the right storage solution to keep the probe accurate

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Not yet. Im not sure why the ph20 wouldnt come with storage solution if thats what they call for. I have it stored in the 4.0 solution until I get some. I do have fresh 4 and 7 solutions coming today to confirm what I have isnt contaminated.

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They are all that way, $$. I always comment to plan on an extra $40-50 in KCL/cal solutions and those are often brand specific…like Bluelab straight KCL no water… or the 4.0/7.0 or 4.01/7.01/6.86 etc so just stay in your brand recommended.

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It comes with 2 cal fluids only well mine did. Had some in cap but from it being layer down the cap leaked all fluid out the solution is like 12 bucks for a bottle but last quite a while atleast a year depending how often u change it or knock cap over lol. I change mine atleast once every other week or so clean cap and refill. Keep the meter standing up on cap too so the fluids don’t leak out of cap. Until u get the storage solution keep some ro or distilled water in cap to keep it wet. U might Google if u can keep the probe in the 4.0 cal water as their storage solution is 3.0 I believe. Her is what u need for fluid nothing else or it don’t work right