Soil:: FFOF
Light: 600w MH
Temps 82 day 71 night
Humidity 44
Ppm run off 660
pH water is always 6.5
The showed up a month ago, with some guidance we summed it up to Calcium overload. I was adding calmag and FF trio big bloom to my feedings.
It has shown up again, however want to get some feedback:
What is this?
I feed her 4 hours ago, and it’s spreading. Used 1/4 recommend dose of big bloom and grow big. pH water of 6.5.
She is on day 50 and still in veg stage.
The light, which might be the issue I moved down from 26" to 22" above her yesterday. This is an AK, I have. BG and WW feeding and same environment with no issues.
The dark spots seem like late stage calcium deficiency. Possibly from your previous issue. The tips look like an overnute but at those Ppm’s it doesn’t seem likely. Magnesium deficiency can also start out looking like that.
Let’s see some shots of new growth. I’m not convinced you have a problem now. I think we’re seeing an artifact from a calcium def in it’s past and is showing on an obviously older fan. I say pluck that bitch haha and rock on! All your numbers look good. Keep to your plan.
Thanks for the tag! overall I think your plant looks good, I see what you have pointed out. I don’t think it’s enough to change anything you’re doing keep taking care of it .an I believe it’ll finish up strong.
The soil may be tired and imbalanced? Perhaps potting up now might resolve your dilemma? I do agree with @Myfriendis410 this looks mostly remnant. The timing is right for stuff to show up with that soil though…