Okay so I was feeding my plants today when I see these in the run off…. They look like how mosquito larvae look In water…. Anyone know what these are?
Are you leaving the run off in the trays after you water?
Fungus gnats?
But yeah, after you give them a little time to drain you should dump the water.
Houseplants love it!
No it soaks the run off up within about ten minutes or so if any is left after that I dump it.
Hard to tell from the pics but if you have no standing water then probably not larvae.
And gnat larvae? That’s what I was thinking just had a infestation in my kitchen a couple days ago! I figured they might b that I have some mosquito bits for them if so!
G nay larvae stay in the soil until wet so I’m thinking that’s what the probably are…
That and some sticky traps.
The sticky traps also help in taking a census. As the population drops there should be fewer and fewer getting caught as a check.
I’d probably let the soil dry out pretty good before the next watering. Maybe even to the point of slight drooping.
The dryness in the soil might help break the life cycle.
The plants can take a little drought with no problem.
Slight droop - not drastic!! LOL!
Yeah they were pretty dry this time that’s why I’m surprised to find them…. But I just sprayed a little captin jacks on the soil after I feed them I’ll wait a bit extra before I water next time and when I water I’ll water with the mosquito bits. I’m almost ready to harvest too about two more weeks… surprised haven’t had much of a problem until now…. Been prepared tho lol
If you dont let your soil get to dry they wont hatch , you must keep the dirt moist so the larvea dont hatch are you can used a 1/4 cup of milk to a gallon and wipe them out byt thats the micro organism life in the Hot Fox dirt are most organic soil mediums .