Bud Washing with flowering still going on!

Anyone ever see this? Bud washing while still in flower!

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Iā€™d only try that on a dry sunny day. My outdoor grow gets a lot of rain, which essentially does the same thing.
I also started h2o2 washing at harvest.


Any benefit to h2o2 spraying any time? Not just before harvest?

Besides washing off dust, it does contain o2, and Iā€™m hoping itā€™ll keep the bud rot at bay.
Iā€™m using 1 cup 3% h2o2 /gal of water.


I read somewhere on here that o2 should be diluted to 1 cup peroxide3% to 5 gallons of water. Is that not stong enough, do you know @Drinkslinger

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Saw the same video. 6-10 oz. 3% H2O2 to 5 gallons. It was a bath, not a spray.@countryboylvd1971

Im a beginner , just trying to soak up some of your knowledge and others. I also had a problem early on with mold so I try to write down everything to prevent it next time. So im assuming 1 cup to gallon for foliage spray?

I always wash my outdoor grows
Ive seen this video as mentioned in other tbread no reason it should hurt but as @Drinkslinger mentioned sunny dry day would be best doing in the early morning to so the sun isnt at it peak streagh shouldnt be a issue
High humidity and lack of air movement is a bigger cause of the bud rot tho so if you have the ability to have a fan moving air around the outdoor plants it wouldnā€™t hurt either if no natural breeze is available
I run a battery operated fan in my greenhouse


I live on the Central Coast of California; about 10 miles from the ocean. The humidity is high enough here to be concerned with white powdery mildew and bud rot, along with spider mites and aphids etc. I use a 50/50 solution of 3% on mine and it nukes the wpm, keeping it in check. It will knock back aphids and mites, oxygenate soil if used there although can kill beneficial microbes in your media. It dissipates into water and oxygen so no residue and itā€™s cheap.

Iā€™ve been a big proponent of bud washing at harvest which just about everyone can do. I use the ratio of 1 cup to 5 gallons but I have soaked plants for 45 minutes before rinsing and drying. No ill effects. On the contrary: buds stay green in the jar longer and have a fresh flavor longer than unwashed. I also believe it opens up the fragrance.

I would do it whether I was entirely indoors or not.


Thanks for that @Myfriendis410, you all are amazing. I live in northern Michigan and has been very humid summer. I appreciate the lessonšŸ˜ƒ


Soā€¦ if i fill say a 30 gal barrel with water and dilute proportionally with H2O2 I could dip my plants then dry and hang them 10-14 days. Do you split?


I donā€™t see why not. I donā€™t usually handle more than 3 or 4 pounds of green material at a time so a 5 gallon bucket works really well for me. If you have a lot to do you may want to replace the wash as it gets funky pretty fast.

Hereā€™s an example from June: 1 plant


I have 7 plants. Been washing by hose on occasion. Seems a 5 gallon bucket would take too long. I like to hang the whole plant with roots. Big barrel i can dip the whole plant minus the roots. Going to split stem also. Looking forward to the next couple of weeks. Wish me luck!

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Itā€™s generally not recommended to hang the plant with the root ball. Harvesting early in the day prevents transport of nutrients stored in the root ball (which happens during every dark period) so if you donā€™t remove it from that you can allow photosynthesis to continue along with a higher nutrient load in your finished bud. Better usually to take the plant and separate it from the roots.

I cut the branches into manageable lengths and soak, rinse and hang outside. Then; once they are dry they go into the house for the actual bud drying operation.


Great. Learn something new every day. Makes sense. Do you stalk split?

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One of the cannabis ā€œgodsā€ was asked this and I like what he said: it MAY work if you have optimized all other parameters of your grow, but you can do far more by providing everything it needs when it needs it and be ahead of a less well managed grow that splits the stem.

As Iā€™ve so rarely had a technically ā€œgreatā€ grow IMO I have not bothered. Besides; the stuff Iā€™m growing is simply stupid strong. Iā€™m harvesting a GSC-X tomorrow that looks like one big trichome under magnification lol.

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Gonna get a look at mine this weekend under magnification. Havenā€™t seen them in a week. Nights are getting chilly. Growing in Eastern MA. Think ill spilt 2 of 5 ak48s and look at the end. Something to think about anyway.

All very cool. Thanks loads man. Cant wait.

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Thatā€™s whatā€™s so cool: itā€™s your plant and you can experiment to find what works for you.


So, one cup of hydrogen peroxide to five gallons of water? And you let them soak for how long?
Iā€™ve got five big outdoor plants almost ready for harvest.


15 minutes is plenty. I just washed my GSC-X this morning.