Bud washing for organic harvest

thanks a lot friend!!

You dry ur bud in the fridge how does it turn out

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I use the 12% food grade h202 diluted at a higher concentration, nothing else added. I may soak the plants for up to 24 hours depending on if I am treating for something specific like WPM.


what is your ratio for the 12% to water

and wait, you soak the buds for 24 hours? really?

i dont have any bud rot or anything major, just want to clean the plants and rid them of any bugs, dust, etc.

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I use the 1.5 cups to 5 gallonsā€¦ I only soak it 24 hours for White powdery mildew or an infestation

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Yes, baking soda and lemon juice in one bucket, and two rinse buckets of pure water. I did it the first time my last harvest. It was indoors, but still the water was dirty. Iā€™ll do it from now on.


We will find out in about 2-3 weeks everyone


OK I need to harvest now but right now my fridge is full of our 1st big plant. So I can let them sit in H2O2 and water for 24 hours will be ok.

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@Myfriendis410 have you ever heard of soaking bud for 24hrs?

I have not. Soaked in what? Plain water?

soaking in a peroxide and water mixture for 24 hours. seems like a very lonng time. he says in earlier post.

Iā€™m a bud wash advocate but only done it for 8 to 10 minutes.

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Do growers wash both indoor and outdoor grows? I am about to harvest my indoor grow and am curious if it is something I should consider.

All youā€™ll have to do is wash your bud once (indoor or outdoor) and youā€™ll always was it.


Some people wash indoor grows, some donā€™t.


Iā€™m an indoor grower and always do a bud wash. Trichomes are super sticky and attract all kinds of things. Youā€™ll be surprised with the gunk that comes off flower, even with an indoor grow.


I always advise doing a bud wash.


so do you soak in peroxide for 8-10 minutes?

do you ever use baking soad?

I do the Jorge Cervantes bud wash which is 8 minutes in 5 gallons of water with a cup of 3% peroxide then rinse, drip dry and dry as normal.

Oh yeah; hereā€™s a pic of ONE plant washed from an indoor grow (although we were having wildfires all around us at the time)


Crunchy. And you could have been smoking all that. :face_vomiting: thanks for the visual. I will be washing buds like itā€™s my job.