Bubble hash in honey?

Ok so I love to convert my bud to edible material. I don’t smoke or vape. I love a good clean canna honey in a nice quality cup of tea…. Don’t laugh, 1/10th of a teaspoon in a cup of earl grey will have a well seasoned vet giggling their ass of while glued to the couch… thing is, I don’t like any chlorophyll flavour and I don’t want any unhealthy extraction methods


I have a mighty fast that makes a good litre and a half at a time. But I might need to replace it, anyone know of a good recommendation?

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Additionally I am looking at low effort no solvent extractions. Who can offer a referral. Been thinking about bubble hash, but I am unsure on how it would work in honey.

I have a source turbo, but it’s a lot of work, and it takes long time, and I could do with out the everclear - and the product looks like the ooze from amity ville horror….

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Thoughts on bubble hash machine or an alternate? I intend to use the high end of the sift and toss the cycled material. I will have more bud than I need, so I can be fussy and live with the waste


I use the mini washing machine works good, gets the job done, abit time consuming,and a little messy but works well, if I can find a dry ice supply without a 90 mile round trip thats my next go for hash, as far as making honey with it I have no clue.

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Hey Bent! I thought about getting a pollen sifter, really like the ones from dab press for the removable bottom.

They won’t ship to Canada though……

I have made infused honey several ways, but the best, cleanest AND most controllable is getting clean BH.
SO, using a Bubble Bag Dude washing machine, ice and freeze dried flower, i extract the trichomes and then freeze dry the BH.
Once its dry, i jar it till im ready.
I measure 1500mg of freeze dried BH.
THEN, i use my Ecru decarb/infuser to decarb and infuse in honey for about 5 hrs at about 130F.
But, trichomes are oil and alcohol soluable, so it will separate.
To keep it from separating, i use sunflower lecithin, 1-2 teaspoons per 16 oz of honey in during infuse.
Thats it. No taste other than honey.
And its the perfect medicine for edible only folks. I gift it to folks with chronic pain.

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16 oz of honey for the 1500 mg?

You can + or - to your preference.

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At that rate, you get around 12-15mg thc per teaspoon.

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Why not squish flower, decarb the rosin, and mix it with the honey…100% organic, depending on how you grow…:


Thought about that too, how much plant oil/ wax is in rosin?

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Also, if I squish an ounce, how much rosin do I get?

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Happy to answer more specific questions, but peruse @Low 's thread to get you started first:

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