Brown spots, calcium deficiency?

First-time grower. I didn’t notice these little spots yesterday, but they seem to have just popped up. Am I looking at a calcium deficiency? That was my best guess.

Let me start by saying I don’t know and wait for a better guess lol, but is there any chance the spots are from water drops? I’m a new grower too so I stalk this “is this a deficiency” type threads to try and learn to spot them.

Edit: disregard. Just realized you are outdoors lol.

Could be calmag or it’s a fluctuation in ph. A fluctuation in ph levels can cause brown spots

Looks like you’re outdoors.
Water drops in full sun can burn like that.

Any full plant pics?


Oh yeah? I did water them mid-afternoon on Saturday. Here’s a pic from this morning.

Those water droplets can act as a magnifying glass under direct sunlight.

I say splash or a bug, pic1987

Looks like water spots.

Thanks for the input, everyone. I’ll be more careful about the time of day I water.

Water early morning
I water at sunrise