Brown and yellow leaves :(

Hey guys, im new to growing and last week i discovered these brown and yellow spots on the leaves…and i dont really know what it could be, i Researched a lot but to be honest im just confused with everything and a little scared to diagnose the lady myself and ending up killing her completly, by rushing things :slight_smile: so maybe someone of you have any idea what this could be? :slight_smile:
Fat banana auto from RQS, 28 days old
Growing in a 80x80x180 tent with the Mars hydro 600
Soil is biobizz all mix
I feed the ph perfect grow, micro and bloom 3 part pack from Advanced Nutrients, 4ml each on 1L
Drain ph is on 6.08
24 degrees in the tent
Humidity is on 53% up to 58% sometimes

Thank you for any help!! <3 <3

I think it’s calcium. Do you use Cal-mag? @Nicky , @Caligurl, @imSICKkid


No, but i just ordered it yesterday, it should come monday…do you know if its okay to use calmag from biobizz with the nutrients from AN?

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Shouldn’t be a problem. Same chemical.


I doubt you have a calcium deficiency. Your ph being at 6.0 for the runoff is more then likely your issue. Soil ph needs to be up around 6.5


Overall your plant looks healthy, the worst looking leaves are on the bottom and ready to be sacrificed anyway. I wouldn’t do anything drastic, although a little cal-mag won’t hurt them.

Usually the cal-mag deficiencies start in the middle of the leaf with a little orange discoloration disbursed throughout the leaf. The fact that your burns and browning are on the fringes of the leaves almost looks like spots caused by spraying where the spray held on a little longer and burned the leaf.


Oh okay! The water i gave her today had a ph of 6.44, should i go with the feeding water to 6.5 as well or a bit higher to get the soil up? :thinking: and sorry for my bad english guys :sweat_smile:

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Yes, gonna cut the brown leaves off then :slight_smile: and gonna give her a bit calmag on monday.
A friend also told me that the spots on the tips could be nutrient burn because the All mix is so strong…should i stop feeding her the AN and look how it’s going?

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I spent some time looking at the products you use since I wasn’t familiar with the BioBuzz potting mix nor have I used the advanced nutrients so I spent some time there looking.

The biobuzz is a peat based product so you are good to feed every time you water. For a plant in growing phase you appear to have the nutrient dosages dialed in. Again, I think your new growth is looking great.

I’m wonder how long those leaves have been crisp like that, is that something that popped up over night or something that’s been there for awhile?

How soon after they came up did you start feeding them? Just wondering if you got off to a slow start or were adding 4ml/L from the start. Those lower leaves may not have had enough or too much nutrients at a critical stage. Did you start with 1ml/L the first week of veg and 2ml/L the second week?


A good CalMag that is low in N can’t ever hurt. You do need to check the ph of the soil by doing a soil slurry test… it’s really easy to do. That is the most accurate way to determine the ph of your soil at the roots. Once you get that in check, the nutrients will fall into place.


Okay, thank you for the help, it startet slow with a very small brown spot and got more day by day…its over a week now.
I started feeding her in the second week, with 0,5ml of each, i think i recognized the first brown spot about 3-4 days after the feeding.

Today i cuttet some brown leaves off and just saw that some leaf tips are curling down, like on the picture.
Are the light green spots on the second pic also gonna turn brown?

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Thank you for the advice, gonna boil some water then for the distilled water and test it :+1:

The yellowing between the veins usually means magnesium defficiency easily cured by adding a tiny amount of Epsom Salts to the water before pH’ing it.


Ok! Thank you for the help! :green_heart: gonna water her tuesday i think…hopefully adjusting the ph and giving her a bit of calmag is gonna help her :slightly_smiling_face: