first time grower and while my 4 girls are doing pretty decent, some of my first attempts at LST resulted in a broken stem that was a bit too thick to bend and snapped partway thru. It’s a horizontal split through main stem about 75% thru, midway between nodes, a couple nodes from the top.
This northern lights auto is maybe 4 weeks from seed, and likely to start flowering in the next couple weeks
I quickly set it straight & duct taped it but after checking again the next day, while everything beyond the break still looked green and healthy, the whole end had tipped sideways, almsot like I supercropped it over (except split like an open hinge, not just mushed/bent).
It was barely connected within the duct tape, so last night I took off the tape and added a splint to help support the stem in order to keep the wound stay sealed closed better in hopes it would still heal. I retaped with some elect tape. as well as above/below the break to help ensure the splint holds.
Checked it again this AM and the entire end is still green but super shriveled/wilted and everything past the break looks ready to die, though not yet browned. I propped up the leaves so they can still catch some rays but that end seems pretty effed.
Cue dramatic life support beeps lol.
The rest of the plant appears totally fine but since it’s an auto and already a bit small, i’m not clear what to do.
Was thinking of letting it ride til tonight to see if it shows any signs of recovery - if so, let it try to heal for a week or two within the splint? Or should I simply chop it off at the break and move on even though autos apparently don’t like topping stress much either?