Thank you for the warm welcome. I do have a few questions about my recent first grow. I started to germinate and veg outside with my seed pack mix of blueberry, northern lights and amnesia auto flowers. They started off great sprouting within three days and have been growing beautifully.
Couple issues.
- I misunderstood the amount of space I needed to grow nd I get the final pot may be too small.
- I used a five gallon plastic pot for one bb and one nl and the bb is barely sprouting after 9 days and the nl not at all. I have Learned by lesson on the plastic pot!!!
Both amnesias are in a fabric pot and I fear I should have used one plant per pot.
It recently rained very unexpectedly heavy as my girls are in pots outside caused them to be overly watered the day after a scheduled watering. This happened while they were still in germination clay pots outside. I then transferred them to do it while they are wet.
Uploading: 4648E0A5-8803-4578-885F-2F8E0354F29E.jpeg… Uploading: 62C17B8D-EAC1-40EC-9980-CB26EEFF425E.jpeg… Uploading: 411A0308-58F5-482C-A0B8-AB29084DCBAE.jpeg… Uploading: 91F28ED5-4706-48A6-B52F-25DFB522489C.jpeg… Uploading: 0B199E85-31CA-4F1A-819A-914BE27E4976.jpeg… Uploading: 09FB3BBE-432A-4B25-9CDA-BE1BE11EF1C8.jpeg… Uploading: 1E5B499C-43E5-423E-AF4A-05020A513AC9.jpeg… Uploading: F7E6DD9B-F012-4E21-BBBD-8F46E0784AA2.jpeg…I brought them inside to dry out. Should I leave them inside? Or wit until the dry out and put them back outside. I don’t want to confuse them so I have lights. Don’t know if the are adequate.
Worried about my girls. First time mom again!
Here are a few stats
Germination day 7/3/20
All five plants popped by 7/7/20
Rain disaster and transplant recovery happened 7/13/20
One last question… how old are my girls? Do I start counting from the germination day or the day the popped open?
I have included pics of outside and the inside recovery.