Blue Dream ready to harvest?

Hi Everyone,

I’m thinking this is ready to harvest but wanted some second opinions. This is week 9 day 1 of flower. Temp around 80-82, Humidity about 45%. I’m flushing now ppm is at 700. My questions are:

  1. Does PPM need to be below 400, ideally before the chop?

  2. After flushing should i leave it in the tent on the 12/12 light schedule for a few days to dry out or go straight to 24hr darkness until i chop?

  3. Based on the pics is it even ready? lol


I took the pic after I started flushing so I’m aware the temp/humidity gauge is different than what i listed. My initial notes are average day temps/humidity levels

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Looking at the last picture I would give her a little more time. Also plant does not have to be under 400 ppm to chop. I like to water only (no feed) to a good run off The last 2 weeks before harvest.
Nice plant What strain ?


Thanks for the feedback! Do you think the trichomes should be more cloudy white? I took the picture on my phone so I know it’s not doing it justice. Blue Dream is the plant btw


I think there needs to be more amber than milky white. Just my opinion. Like kellydans said, think it needs a little more time. :+1: :+1:


When looking at the crystals focus more on the Bud itself and not the sugar leafs. If you’re not in a hurry Just my opinion I think the plant has a little more to offer on fattening up. Good luck finishing up. :+1::v:


@kellydans @GreggT

Appreciate your responses! I’ve got some water PH’d to 6.1 so i’ll feed for the next week at least and check in again. Time to calm down and let it do it’s thing, thanks again!


I would definitely give her more time. One of the most common mistakes growers make is taking the plant early, when it still has potential to pack in lots of bud. Based on the pistils, I agree with everyone else, give em a couple more weeks and check again. Getting close though. Now is the hard part, practicing patience. This was my hardest lesson to learn


I’ve turned the light down a bit, leaves looked like they were burning but here’s the most recent update. Any feedback?

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They still seem like they could go a bit longer, but you need to see the trichomes on the buds to be sure. I’ve had good luck using the camera on FB messenger, as it takes pretty clear photos that I can zoom in on. It def works in a pinch if you don’t have a scope. I actually do have one, but need to get a mount for it, I can’t hold the thing still enough for good photos


Do you think 11 weeks in flower is too long?

At this point it’s looking like they’re just not swelling

There’s no right or wrong amount of flower time, just whatever the plant needs to mature. But 11 weeks is right about on par for most plants. But the only sure fire way to know is checking the trichs, and going off of that. Personally, I want to see a good bit of amber on mine, but it’s your preference. However, that’s the only way to know when the right time to chop is


I’m siting at the same situation. I’m about 9.5 weeks into flower (photo) and will be expecting low 40s at night and 60s-70s next week. I should be pretty close. I will be doing a bud wash being outdoor and had caterpillars. I should be able to do a slow cure instead of dealing with hot weather,


That’s beautiful, picture perfect :trophy:

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Very nice , Good luck finishing up.