Blowing steam off

Ugh I’m so irritated with this cycle this morning :expressionless:
I’ve had to super crop another one on WK 4 of flower so that maybe the rest of her will gain weight.
Trying to do what I need & want to with a small LED is frustrating AF …
Works great for a single plant but not multiples…
So tempted to order a new light, chop this BS and start over :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::thinking::roll_eyes:

I have the ability but not the equipment needed … that’s what is irritating about it…

Thanks for listening.


You’ll get there buddy :green_heart::metal:t2:
Bending um over ain’t a bad thing :wink::sunglasses:


What are you dealing with for lighting. How many plants? How many square feet are you trying to cover?

Thanks man. I’m just frustrated …
Most likely will finish the cycle since it’s almost done and whatever it ends up being is what it’ll be …
In the meantime I’m gonna try to order a new light and prep for the next cycle… My issue is PAR … just don’t have enough to do what I wanna do…
I mean my grows are good I think, just not enough weight in the end.

And in all fairness, this cycle was an experiment of sorts to push the limits. So I’ve gotta consider that also.

I’ll get over it and move along :v:

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I looked at your post from yesterday. Old Mans Autos Day 59
You may be over thinking. Relax some. I was thinking your plants look good
A lot of people here would love to have them over what they have. What light do you have? If i might ask. I have had plants grow right up and touch the light and still do good actually excellent.

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Oh you don’t wanna know :laughing:

I intentionally pushed the limits this cycle to see the extremes… Now I’m ending WK 4 of flower and I’m pushing my own limits LoL…

To answer your question, it’s a TS600 … Which is works for a single plant … however this cycle I stuck 4 in a 2x2 …
I mean it’s supported the grow to an extent… All 4 have made it well into flowering, but now the lack of PAR is becoming an issue.

But… Figuring all this out first hand is exactly why I put this cycle together… and let’s just say it has been quite a learning experience.

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I get it. A 2x4 is good for 2 plants at best. The TS600 is good for 1/2 of a plant at 100 watts. A 2x4 should have 360 watts minimum. Two hundred watts per plant is also a decent metric to go by. Take your pick.

That said, the pics @DRsDank pointed out in the other thread actually look pretty good for being under-lighted.


Yeah I think that’s part of why it frustrates me so much is because I know I’m doing good. But…I also know I could do better …

Yes I overthink things all the time and sure that’s part of the frustration also.

I’ll get through it tho… Keep reminding myself that this stuff is exactly why I put this cycle together… I anticipated issues at some point going into it…

Learn, adapt, and overcome



Just look at HLG, I’m not a “fan boy” but bang for,your buck and they back their product like no other :metal:t2::green_heart:
Ck refurbs, nothing wrong with them and if there is, they will make it right :+1:t2:
Sad they don’t have parts for us to build lights now :pensive:

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Just ordered a Marshydro FC1500 EVO.
150w bar style w/ Samsung 301H

That should improve things :smiley:


Definitely will improve :green_heart::metal:t2:

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20-30$ more you could have an hlg 260 :person_shrugging:t2::green_heart::metal:t2:

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Noted for next time :+1:
…but this will have to do for now.

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Wonder if I can figure out a way to hang the TS600 vertical in the tent also :thinking: That would get it to 240w :thinking:
As well as give lower light penetration below the canopy … Hmmm…

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