Blistering on leaves & yellow veins, what is cause?

Looking for help on what is causing the issues below and how to correct it. There is blistering/bubbling on the fan leaves and the veins are yellowing. It is effecting all four plants, but not every leaf.

-strain- ilgm gold leaf feminized
-3 weeks into veg // NO NUTES yet just soil.
-soil = FF ocean forest in 5 gallon pots. Started in solo cups, then 1 gallon pots.
-RH is around 62% and temps around 67F
-water = RO PH’d to 7. Water when lots feel light
-lights - 2 electric sky ES300 in 4x4x6 tent. They are around 20" from plants. PAR is around 450-500.
-small 6" fan mounted on tent pole circulates on low
-ppm during run off test was 1,500 to 1,650 for all plants. PH was 5 so I know it was low
-no cal mag yet (maybe this is issue?)
-No pests I can see.

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First you are PHing to high, need get that down to 6.5 preferably, but no higher than 6.8 That may be what is causing your leaves to discolor. I’ve had leaves do the crinkling like that and didn’t have any long-term issues. The yellowing on leaves could be a Magnesium deficiency, which can be caused by ph fluctuations.


Thanks Bulldog! Do you suggest I wait to water (PH’d at 6.5) until plants need it or water NOW until I get runoff? If the crinkling is not major issue I assume I should wait until next regular watering.

I was PH’ng water to 7 because the run off water was 5, so I was thinking watering with 7 would get me to 6.

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After rereading original post, I saw your not adding cal-mag. Definitely start adding cal-mag, also your using RO water. I don’t believe RO water can be PHed properly without having some level of additives like cal-mag or nutrients. I’m going to tag a couple of others to help out.



Correct. RO water cannot be pHed, as RO has no pH. Ions must exist in water for a pH to exist and all ions have been removed from RO. Once additives such as cal/mag are added ions will be present and the solution must be pHed.


Thanks @MidwestGuy I’ve gotten so dialed in on my methods, and haven’t been coming around forum. I’m starting to forget some of the basics. :+1:


I am not a big calmag fixes all guy but those leaves sure look mag light. I also think a healthy dose along with good phed water will help. They are ready to be fed also I think.

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Thanks for replies. I just watered one plant to run off which read PH of 6.2 and PPM of 1,260. I used 1 gallon of water added 4ml cal mag which brought PH to 6.8 and ppm to 250.

So next time I should water with say 6.8 PH which should bring soil PH to around 6.5 correct?

Now I know to use cal mag or other nutrient to properly PH RO water.


You can ph at 6.8 ,it may possibly bring ph up in your runoff. Certainly won’t hurt :+1:

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I hear you my friend, but keep in mind there’s nothing in RO water. If you’re not adding nutes the girls aren’t getting any cal-mag unless you add it. I agree should be ready for some nutrients

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