Big bud advanced nutrient

So I got a question I use a 5 gal water pitcher to water my indoor plants on the advanced nutrients website it says to put 2ml per 1 liter of water there’s 18 liters in 5 gallons so that would be 36 ml of big bud but that seems like to much. How much do yall add to your watering?


I only add 2.5ml of everything that isnt base nutrients to 5 litres of water.

12.5ml each of micro/grow/bloom + 2.5ml of big bud, candy, B52 to 5litres should land you just over 1000ppm and that’s plenty sufficient. Thats for flowering. You can do the math for 18 litres lol

Im gonna experiment this round with 5ml of the additives and 10ml of the base but if this is your first time using the nutes i can confirm good results with the above recipe :ok_hand:


I guess I’m glad I didn’t water them yet lol because I was going off the feeding chart on their website and it would’ve had me adding 36 ml to 5 gallons

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Hey welcome to the community . I suggest buy a T D S meter It will take out the guess work when mixing nutes.
Happy growing!


Yeah I got a tds meter when I get home I’m gonna check the water in my water pitcher and make sure it’s at 1000ppm and not higher. I added 36 ml of big bud to it because it’s a 5 gal pitcher and according to their website your supposed to add 2ml per liter of water.

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Big buds is only utilized to give you a little push in the phosphorus area to increase buds as they thrive with a little extra phosphorous and potassium. I don’t know what week of flower that you’re in nevertheless, what say you used 50% of what they say that’s only 4 mil per gallon.

It’s in my personal opinion having used advanced nutrients forever that 4 mil per gallon is sufficient for any of their additives.

4 mil big bud and 4 mil of B-52 is that perfect per gallon regiment for the extra you need.

Anything more could make things go south


I’ll let you in on a little secret. With advanced nutrients if you feed at 50%

That’s 8 mil micro grow and Bloom
That’s 4 mil of their additives

You can throw your pH and PPM meter in the trash

Unless you have a picky girl you’ll never have a deficiency from start to finish


Yeah I’m just gonna dump the water and not worry about using big bud I switched to flower on the 19th of October so I’m in week 4 of flower now. There is some fading and spots and some leafs dying on the lower leafs but so far the top leafs the new growth looks good and isn’t showing any signs of issues.

Are you using advanced nutrients for your base nutrients as well?

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So I did a top dress of Gaia green bloom almost 2 in a half weeks ago now and then I did my first feed of big bud yesterday. Gaia green bloom you do every three weeks.

Ok, I get it. Not sure what the NPK is of your gaia green and I’m not sure since Gaia green is organic that you should be using a synthetic additive.

I’m just not that familiar with organic fertilizers. I would double check it as a simple precautionary measure

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Yeah I checked it says you can but the ingredients of Gaia green bloom is Guaranteed Minimum Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N)……………….…….….2.0%

0.5% Water Soluble Nitrogen (N)………0.5%

1.5% Water Insoluble Nitrogen (N)…….1.5%

Available Phosphate (P₂O₅) …………….8.0%

Soluble Potash (K₂O) …….…….….….4.0%

Derived From

Bone meal, mineralized phosphate, fishbone meal, rock phosphate, mined potassium sulphate, glacial rock dust, insect frass, feather meal, basalt rock dust, kelp meal, humic acid, gypsum, greensand, blood meal.

Sounds good. I wouldn’t use any more than 3 mil per gallon of big buds each time you water

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