BHO extraction thread

What you have is an upgraded piece that connects to the cylinder. The cone piece expands so that’s capable of running a 1lb or larger column. So yes, there’s an extra piece, but will still work.
I actually need to purchase that piece, so I’m capable of the same. I’m limited to 20-50g runs. Which works for me for now. Only limited to how much I can fit in there.

Hopefully the collection pot is there but not shown.

As far as vacuum pumps go, size doesn’t matter as much. It takes me about 5mins or less to draw to full vacuum. A larger pump will only speed it up. This is not an important thing to have a certain size, as long as you get vacuum. @1HappyPappy
I called BVV about this because I was going to purchase the largest pump they had, but they assured me the small one would be adequate and they were right.

Congratulations on your new toy! You’re going to have loads of extract on your hands.


It’s a bad sreen shoot but here’s everything except the vacuum pump.


That recovery tank, is a little large, but will still work. When doing your run, (or even a dry run for the first time) fill the column completely, do a dump/flush, allow more to go in the column, and that should be your measured amount.

Some people purchase a scale, but if you are consciously aware, you’ll do fine with about how much comes out and in.

That size recovery tank is best suited for the larger columns, you definitely have room to expand with that current set up.


This is what I use for recovery.


That is the same size I have @plumbdand


Same here as well


The vacuumed test/storage that Covert suggested is great, with one caveat. I’d pressure test first; especially, on a new setup. Learned that the hard way. Held a vac for 3 days without loss. Ran the column and had a blow out when pressure built. Once fixed, I never had any more issues, and it remains under vac in storage.

Also, I’d pickup a small sonic jewelry cleaner for cleaning your Sintered filter disks.


Here’s the tool I built for compressor to FJIC


Okay, in regards to safety here @Budbrother how much pressure do you think was built up? When I looked at mine I don’t think I’ve seen over 6-8lbs of pressure in mine. I double and sometimes check 4 times all the clamps.

When pressurizing everything, how much do you test up to before you consider safe?

Reason I ask is, if it happened to you, it could happen to anyone, and if this might be something I should introduce into the safety protocols.


My recovery pushes as high as 35 psi. Many variables come into play in this scenario, but it is what I now run a pressure test to.


That’s a reducer funnel to prevent splatter on the inside of the collection tank. It also serves for filters, reducing in size, to final collection. My final filter is 1 micron.

Edit: This piece would give you 5 filters plus the cotton wad in the media cylinder before final dump to collection.


How I’d run it. Does the small cylinder have the filter plate inside? That might be where they meant for cotton or filter paper to go?


I haven’t actually opened it all up yet, its wrapped so good and It will be some time before i run it that i thought it best just leave it wrapped up.
There’s alot of little peices and extra stuff but idk exactly what all I got.
I’m just stoked I got all i did for less then $1k, I will happily pickup any odds and ends that’s not here :sweat_smile:


Unbox that sucker lets’ see what you got.


You won the lottery Pappy

I see the drier

So gotta have

Recovery/Vac chamber heater…
Someone moved up in weight class or needed money for court fees.


@Budbrother is right you got some extras I didn’t.
Also, that is where the filtering goes where he has the cotton wad. I have a ‘micron mesh screen with a gasket that goes there. Keeps the debris out. I use coffee filters, and cut them to shape to keep the fine stuff out. This is optional and some do this step differently.
You use cotton @Budbrother ?


I do many different setups, depending on
type of run, for my step down filtration. I run all those filters as I marked. If running the CRC, I have cylinder clips and rings for filter papers inline.

You cut coffee filters, but then the path of least resistance comes into play without clips and rings to avoid tunneling and center the flow away from the sides. That’s why I asked if there’s a built in plate. If so, he has rings, possibly clips too.

I take it that you use just one filter and a bunch of gaskets at the connections. Every joint of mines gets a filtered gasket. I run the cheap 150, 75, 25 micron screens until I hit the 5 micron Sintered disk, down through sight glass to a reducer that gets a final 1 micron Sintered to collection.

The cotton wad usually goes in the media cylinder. I used to stuff a coffee filter wad before the 1st screen to prevent clogging, but I found cotton gives a better flow rate.

I added the cotton wad to his Buchner setup pic not knowing if there is a plate for filter paper. That would make a setup difference of filter grades or media remediation. The idea was to filter the step down before going 25 - 5 to prevent clogging or reduce flow rate.


It looks as though he has the inline CRC with Sintered filters, like I built.


What I typically do, is cut the paper filter to the inside of the ring of the gasket, since the center part of the gasket is pretty much where the seal is made. Then secured together. Seems to work.

Correct. One filter at the bottom of column. I don’t recall the micron, but I want to say it’s probably 75. I would have to double check. All of my runs after figuring shit out have been great quality, considering I have none of the equipment you have.

I’ll definitely give this a try, I will agree it has much better flow than a wadded up paper filter. I could probably increase the micron mesh screen, and increase the quality, I have extra.


I used Rayon beauty coils that I have for my vape. Happy discovery that upped my filter game.

I fluff and stuff this in the reduction part on bottom before packing the column. I place a 150 micron Buna filter below the cotton and clamp with cover. Stuff and pack, then cap top with showerhead, and freezer overnight.