I’m loving this thing for making hash oil into edibles. I can’t rave enough about it. Virtually no loss of the expensive food grade alcohol I use to make the hash oil. Just want to know peoples thoughts and if they have better ways to extract than my current method.
I don’t do to much with infusions and extractions. You might be interested in this thread.
I was just checking out that thread after I posted. Thanks bro! I love it!
BHO extracting is probably the next step, that has a higher quality result, and higher yield than the source turbo. But for a lot higher cost for start up price.
@ blackthumbbetty has a source turbo as well, and she loves it for edibles as well.
Depends on where you’re located if you can source everything needed to make BHO as well.
I love my Source! Freaking love it!
I beg to differ, there. BHO is not cleaner than an ethanol extract. It’s full of wax and lipids. Great terps, no chlorophyll, but lots of other undesirables.
Instead of comparing one to another, accept that each method has its own pros and cons.
Even the c02 extract is winterize in ethyl alcohol, then rotovaped.
Havent done a run in months. Make me some Durban carts tomorrow.
Mmmmmm, Durban Poison.
@blackthumbbetty You’re correct. If not properly chilled during a closed loop extraction you can have more lipids and wax’s in the final result.
Willing to bet after some experience keeping the column extremely cold (which locks out waxes from being absorbed) you can end up with a quality result. Here’s what I found:
“cannabis extract can be fully de-waxed all within the closed-loop system – removing the need to add additional steps such as winterization. If you’re unfamiliar, a closed-loop extraction system is the safest way to extract cannabis concentrates as it does not allow exposure to any outside elements.
Essentially, solvent (usually butane) is blasted over plant material and collected within a column. Once the extract mixture is collected, it then moves onto another column used for de-waxing. The mixture is cooled to extreme temperatures (think -20°C and below) which makes the waxes and lipids insoluble in the butane solution – meaning it is no longer able to dissolve and naturally separates. Once this occurs, the mixture is passed through a variety of micron screens, effectively filtering out all undesired waxes and lipids and producing a clean final product.”
Closed loops are expensive, but the source is much more affordable with almost the same result. Minus a few terpenes.
Interesting… this is my first experience dabbling with extracts abd I love it. The edibles come our amazing using the source to make the hash oil first.
Are you guys saying I can make wax or shatter with the source? If so, please explain.
I guess that’s what you could call the final result. It’s a form of wax/shatter. BTB might have a better answer of what you’d call the final product.
Cartridge oil
Top pick was purged in the silicon cup in the source. You really need a purge-oven to do it, I think it would burn the heater out doing it in the turbo
The Cartridge oil I make taste better than dispensary carts
I just call the finished product hash oil. I wouldn’t mind refining the product further to make something better but I certainly don’t want to burn the motor out of my Source.
Other information about methods and setups to better refine this product would be greatly appreciated. Just trying to get all I can outta the Source and add to it.
Waiting today till my neighbor next door leaves to run the vacuum pump and try to make me some cartridge’s.
Can you attach a pic or link of this vacuum pump you mention? I’m oblivious as how to make cartridges and other things.
Your not the only one. We could make a new thread about cartridges and best vape to mod with.
I just mat it and air or freeze until it stops bubbling and don’t put anything in it.
That would be great!
Go for it and tag me in. lol. @VTGROW