Beginning of Pistils or Showing Male?

Hey guys, first time grower and I’ve gotten a lot of good help here, hope you don’t mind this question too.

In my 7th week since sprout with an Auto ZSkittlez from ILGM.

These are showing up on the stems, is that the beginning of pistil growth or does it look like it is showing male?

As I am wont to do, included is a picture of the whole plant. If you see anything worrying or troublesome looking, please let me know.

Thanks for any help.

-The Rook


Welcome to the community @TheRook
Congratulation is a girl

Happy growing :+1::dash:

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Thanks @Mefis, I appreciate it.

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Don’t worry you had here a lot of peoples that had you cover in any question

Nice job on those lady I growing zkittler autos to but they just had a week from sprout

I’m be glad to see you girls mature a least you had 7 more weeks so I can see how my girls go to be like yours lmaooo

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Well it’s not the beginning of pistols growth…
It’s full on all ready turning dark pistol growth my freind :grin: congratulations :confetti_ball: it’s a girl!

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It’s a girl! Are you by chance using gardening twine? If so, you’ll be picking out every single bud by the end of the grow.

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Yeah it’s always exciting when it a girl. Happy Growing :blush:


@Mefis Good luck with yours, hope it turns out well.

@Borderryan22 Yeah, I’m using a hemp gardening rope for LST. I’ll have to watch out for the fibers.

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