Beginner Lost in Germination

ok soon as I wake up alittle more will do

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Do you see any roots yet? Whether there are roots or not, I think some new soil will do them good. Some pictures would be nice too. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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Now Do I Just put the whole little pod in the dirt or carefully cut it away?

Is there away on this forum to send a Private Message?

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Just put it in the soil very gently, no need to cut it away. Make a pretty deep hole so that you can bury a few inches of the stems.

There’s no private messaging here, sorry.

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I’m gonna go get some of peat stuff

Peat stuff?

Yes the white little balls that are in 1 of your pics,My soil does not have any of that
and I thought that was what you were talking about

I Also gonna start some Garlic and Mint plants to keep animals away from my out side grow

Oh, you mean perlite or vermiculite. Lol, yes, good idea to mix some of that into the soil.

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Yes Thats what I meant, Got grandkids here so might not be until later
Now what Ratio shold I use? Perlite and soil?

Take your bag of soil, put it in a bucket and add a couple of handfuls of perlite. You don’t need too much, about 10%. Then pour some Ph-ed tap water (around 6.5) into the bucket and mix it up so that it’s all nice and moist, not wet. This will make it easier to plant. Fill a pot with the prepared soil and make a fairly deep hole for the pod, and put the whole pod in burying a couple of inches of the stems.

Have a good day with your grandkids!

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Well do
I Got to read up of this PH meter

I also have All From (ILGM)
“Mold Control”
Root Protector
Bug Blaster
All in one Start Fertilizer
All in one Grow Fertilizer
All in One Boost Fertilizer
All in one Bloom Fertilizer


Excellent, you’re all set.

Not Sure when to start using it???

Well Crap bought the wrong stuff,back to store I go
Your not gonna believe this shit,Put the plants out for real light,Kept water on edge now this is what Happened

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@highcountrygal Is this how I do it?


They do look a lot better, now we just have to get them strong enough to stand on their own. Good job, @Rick3. I think when you start your other seeds you’ve learned how to do it so your plants don’t stretch.

So I see they’re under the lights. Why not just leave them outside in the sun? I see one is drooping, it needs to be staked.

Let’s give them a couple of days to adjust to their new homes, they’re not ready for nutes yet. You should be able to find the feeding schedule online.

There doing ok Maybe?
I Got some yellow leave’s my water PH is 7.1 from bought disstilled water,Water from well is at 7.7 so will need to get some PH Down crap

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Oh, that’s really high Ph! Yes, get some PH Down right away, that is what’s causing the yellow leaves. These guys won’t start to get healthy until you get the Ph under control, should be between 6.3 - 6.7. However, I do think they look a little better.


@raustin I Really Appreciate the help from you,
As soon as I get done grilling some food ,I’ll post some pics of how they Look

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Do you have a small fan you can get blowing gently over the tops? That’ll help with strengthening the stems.


Yes I Have 2 fans 1 blowing on them ans 1 blowing Hot air out

This getting PH just right is not as easy as I tought,
Just playing around last night with it trying to get it down,all of a sudden it was 2.1 so put some PH Up and did not Know the chemical reaction was gonna be that bad,Foamed all over the place
That will be my mission for today, How to get it Right

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