I’ve got lots of beautiful buds forming. In spite of the exhaust fan the tent stinks. But Ive also got lots of yellow and yellowing leaves.
Is this a natural progression as autos age, I’m into day 54, or is there another problem?
5 gallon soft pots, fed GH Maxibloom, Calmag, Beastie Bloomz (every other fed), and water pHed to 6.5.
The buds look better each day, but the leaves concern me.
The maxi bloom is a 5 -15-14 npk.
The beastie bloomz is a 0-50-30.
Strictly just my .02 for what it’s worth. Lol
What you’re feeding is a bit light on nitrogen and it’s showing in the fan leaves getting lighter and more yellow as the plant pulls what it can from the bigger leaves.
Check your runoff ph and ppm’s next watering before you start adding tho just to be sure.
The 0-50-30 may have thrown off the root ph. Ime it usually goes down.
I’m saying check your runoff numbers first.
before doing anything.
Then you know where the ph and ppm’s are for the root zone.
If the numbers are good then up the n in their diet a bit more and back off on the 0-50-30 for a couple feeds.
Just for the record, I’ve only fed Beastie Bloomz once. 1/4 tsp/gal.
In order to boost n, should I go back to feeding them Maxigrow? Doesn’t it have more n than Maxibloom?
This is what I thought as soon as I saw the info. Yellowing leaves do occur naturally as the plant ages. Even a well fed plant will eventually pull the nutrients from older leaves and recycle them. But if the plant is under fed or lacking nitrogen the plant will take it from the old growth. As stated, the chosen nutrients are light on nitrogen. The nutrient numbers stated on every bottle/bag of food are N-P-K or Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium. So what you have even mixed together has very little Nitrogen. And nitrogen is what makes leaves green. And green is what drives photosynthesis. Basically you need a more balanced food for the plant to thrive.