Banana peel tea during veg?

So these started October 1st, one of the clone and one is from seed and they were both transplanted into seven or 10 gallon fabric pots about a week and a half ago. They are both in fresh ffof. So what I’m wondering is if I can give them banana peel tea at this stage? I’m probably not going to flip them to flower for at least another month or so and I am not adding any nutrients, I have only watered them once since they’ve been in there new home. But I’ve been having this tea brewing in the fridge for about 2 weeks and I’m just wondering if I can use it for these vegging babies, also wondering about molasses as well


You can use teas almost any time, but you need the right ingredients and procedure to make them useful. Especially if your trying to make nutrient tea you need to foster the the microbes that decompose organic matter into nutrients that the plant can make use of.

@Gl1tch Foster it into it? Can you run that by me a little easier to understand?

I’ll try to keep it as basic as possible.To go from banana peel (Organic matter) to usable plant food (nutrient ions) it takes a lot of different microscopic critters that eat those big organic compounds and digest them into smaller and smaller pieces until small and simple enough to be sucked up through the plants roots. Usually the purpose of tea in this context is to breed a bunch of those organisms really fast then add them to the soil. This only takes a day or two under the correct conditions. Much longer than that is counter productive. Once in the soil they will eat the complex organics in the soil and the plant will eat their poop. To feed your plants it’s more effective to make a compost tea then add the milled up organic matter to the soil for them to eat. There is a lot more to it, but that’s about as simple as I can make it. This is the basis of organic or living soil methods. If your trying to get away from mixing synthetic nutes you need to feed and develop the soil to get the best results. The build a soil website and youtube channel has lots of good info to get you started.


Banana is appropriate for flower as it’s high in P and K. Not for vegging plants. Also; @Not2SureYet reported severe burning of plants with a banana tea.


Banana peel tea and molasses can be great for vegging plants, but use them cautiously. The tea, after two weeks, might have gone bad, so check for any off smell before using. For molasses, dilute 1-2 tsp per gallon of water for occasional feeding to boost microbes. Always observe your plants’ response! :seedling:

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