Badly twisted plants

A customer has a question or concerns and I hope we can get some opinions on it, thanks.

I am a experience grower. I need to know why these plants are deformed? they are healthy but badly twisted and curled. I am afraid to order from you a gain. rc

Curly and twisted

Curly and twisted |319x425

Curly and twisted

Curly and twisted

Curly and twisted

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What’s your ph and ppm going in
Growing medium

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@Nug-bug is right we need more info please?
possibly mosaic virus?


COPY/PASTE: This “Support Ticket” into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA

Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA

Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco?

System type?

PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS

Indoor or Outdoor

Light system, size?

Temps; Day, Night

Humidity; Day, Night

Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,

Co2; Yes, No

Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but short, to the point questions and facts will help us help you smile


Individual pictures in a post can be magnified to view please post single picture it will make things easier to spot thanks

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I fixed his pictures so that you can blow up each one seperatley


I just downloaded the pictures but even zooming in hard to tell much but I have seen similar pictures in the past come up in odd genetic variations. May not even be disease so much as a mutation

Polyploids are individual organisms that possess double the normal amount of chromosomes for the species they belong to. Occasionally, this trait can be fixed into plant species via breeding programs—for example, durum wheat (used to make pasta) is a polyploid form of wheat created via an inter-species cross of two grasses with the typical chromosome count.

Cannabis Mutations - PolyploidismCannabis Mutations – Polyploidism
In cannabis, rare instances of spontaneous polyploidism can occur if the normal process of cell division malfunctions during development, and can be also be induced in plants that would otherwise develop normally by treatment with a powerful chemical called colchicine.

Polyploidism is considered useful, as it is thought to cause a significant increase in THC production, as well as gigantism (extra large plants with extra large buds!). Up to now, it appears that no true-breeding strains have been developed, although rumours on internet forums suggest that at least one breeder is attempting it.


That 1st pic does look like it’s getting ready to explode with growth. I’ve noticed my leaves do this occasionally but I figured it was due to it being a sensative leaf and lights being to intense

Polyploidism is quite rare I have seen it only 1-2 times during flower in my own grows get super dense bud but it decreases yield and is not very desirable to me personally as plant doesn’t stretch any and buds stack onto buds like tree rings in waves of new growth

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Oh I’ve never seen anything to that degree I’m talking will see one or two leaves mainly after fim/topping

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COPY/PASTE: This “Support Ticket” into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA

Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA
blue dream and chlop.
Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco?
happy frog and worm castings same amount of each,

PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?
around 6.8<
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS
n. a.
Indoor or Outdoor
Light system, size?
1000 w h. p. s.
Temps; Day, Night
around 75 degrees day 40 to 45 night, warmer when planted,
Humidity; Day, Night
40% to 45% day 25 to 30 @ night,
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
Co2; Yes, No
Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but short, to the point questions and facts will help us help you smile

We had a previous Support Ticket posted, but lost it during the “database issuer”

some pretty cool nights 40-45f if possible you don’t want much more than a 10f swing between night and day and lower than 50f is pretty much where your plants almost stall entirely

Been there done that also when I had quite similar symptoms and Polyploidism on a couple of plants it’s an old thread but my ladies were growing kind of in 40-50f mostly they were just surviving

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hey Donald
thanks for your reply hope things are growing good. I went to the shop early to check temp. in grow room it was 54f and 51% humidity at the base of the plant. do you think these symptoms are from bad genetics? everything I read strongly points to this more than anything else don’t you agree? I went to 12 hrs today but now I wish I would have pulled the plug on this when I first saw that something was not rite but if nothing else I have learned something from this but I have got to tell you I feel cheated on this one. thanks for reading.

I still grow same plants I had the same issue develop with since I clone and am yet to see it happen again on the clones (identical genes) the colder temps will have significant role in what is genes express I grow almost exclusively from clones and use seeds to make mother plants of different strains many things can factor i drawing out a recessive gene too much N too cold too hot at 54f you are in similar case I was. I wouldn’t point directly at genetics as first culprit because under ideal conditions symptoms may never have expressed and the buds that did suffer were rock hard dense nugs so overall loss in yield was tiny.

hey donaldj
hey I wanted to ask you what strain are you working on? I just came in from looking at the babies they look good except for some miner twist and mutations on plant 1 and 3 the center of number 1 looks more and more like something you would grow in your garden for food lol . I saw that the blue dream and the choclp. are still available . I hope they come from a different supplier. keep in touch its always good to hear from a fellow grower.

Run 3 light rotation so am flowering PK in 2 spaces and have WW in veg next to go into flower

just wanted to let you know that I am now finding branches with no shoots on them . I was wondering if r. bergman is aware of what’s been going on with these plants? it seems like I could at least trade the 5 seeds I did not use for something else ? I was planning on doing girl scout cookies next. could you see if Robert has time to look at all of this?

I believe I had said that your night temps being in the 40’s is a huge factor in that the only time I have had my plants behave in such a fashion was in the cold. Here is a picture of exact same plant I had issue with harvested last week

I grow almost exclusively from clones and have had same strains for over a year the plant above is a clone (genetic twin) of plant which displayed Polyploidism. Certain conditions can draw out recessive genes in any strain I also wouldn’t expect all seeds to have same traits try adjusting the factors that lead to condition


You can’t run a race car on regular gas haha. Blaming the plant for failing when the conditions are suboptimal seems short sighted to me IMO. Feminized seeds are twitchy! They’re prone to hermaphrodite on you if temps are outside nominal so your other plants are at risk too.

Hopefully your temperature problem will get resolved.