Back to veg cycle?

Hi. I’m growing some White Widow photos and just switched to 12/12 3 days ago after 3+ veg weeks. Now, for a little story. We’re at the end of a Z of AK-47 that I bought for the holidays, so I rushed the flowering ahead a week or so because it’s my first indoor grow this century. Anyway, the guy I usually score from is away, so I texted this dude I used to work with years ago & he says “sure, I’ll lay some on ya”. So, I drive over & after catching up for a while, he brings me into his spare room & opens the closet. It was full of gum ball sized Mason jars with every strain imaginable. “What do you like ?” he says. I say “w…w…whatever you suggest” I got some Blueberry Haze & Purple something or other, I forgot. Two oz size baggies, full. I’m like “c’mon man, you don’t have to…” He remembered back in the 80s when I gave him some Skunk #1 I had grown. Wow !

Just had to tell that story.

Anyway, my WWs have been 12/12 since Monday, so 4 days now. What would happen if I switched back to 18/6 ?


They’ll go back to veg no problem :ok_hand:


OK !

I was thinking there might be some kind of “stuck in neutral” thing happen that might stress them.

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Excellent karma story. Made my day. @mickey_g

Happy growing. Best reason for photos right there.


Could happen. Depends on if they realized they were flipped.
Do you have some pictures of the plant.


They’re sleeping right now. :sleeping: I’ll upload tomorrow. :sunglasses:

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You bet ! I didn’t even know he was growing. He used to sell small amounts back in the day. I figured I’d be buying a few grams or so. Pix tomorrow !


Good morning @DRsDank @noddykitty1 A little photo session with the ladies* today.

Pic 1- White Widow fem photo…a week or so younger than the next two
Pic 2- From a seed/plant in our garden last summer Runtz/Oreoz* could be a male
Pic 3- White Widow fem photo…


I think they will be fine going back to veg. Are you feeding nutrients yet and what soil are you in.


No nutes yet. This is my first grow in soil. Years ago I grew in 1/3 peat moss, perlite & vermiculite, so it was Peters 10-10-10 from the get go. And I already found out that I don’t need to water soil as much !

Man, but the soil is complicated. I started with peat pots, then Coast of Maine Raised Bed Mixture, but was told that might be too hot for seedlings. So, I mixed it with peat & perlite to “dilute” it. The youngest plant (pic 1) is in Coast of Maine Stonington Mixture.

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Should be good without feeding for a while then. They look ok. Just making conversation now. What size pots are the cloth pots. Looks like 3 different sizes.

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LOL…there’s five 3 gallon bags in the center, two gunny sacks that PF Flyer sneakers came in against the wall & a TARGET shopping bag…that I have to make holes in the bottom because its a non woven synthetic…and an heirloom tomato plant in the red Solo cup dead center :sunglasses:

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Cool cool way to repurpose.
What nutes you going with this time.

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Welp, I’m all ears. Back in the 80s/90s it was Miracle-Gro or Peters. Bat guano was hot at that time, but we had cats then & was afraid they’d scratch in the 5 gal pails & knock them over. That p/p/v mix was pretty light between waterings.

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Best story of the day! :blush: i love it! They should reveg with no problem… if they do stall, i don’t believe it should be enough to to stress them to Hermie. You should be fine. Good luck :slightly_smiling_face:

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I use fox farms trio. A lot of people here use jacks. So many choices. Have some cal mag on hand and some mycros. I use Trifecta myco supreme.
Do me one favor though stay away from miracle grow anything.


Thank you, Syd !

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Good story about paying it forward. Sounds like a good person to stay in touch with.


Yep. That’s like the first thing I learned when I came on to this site :grin:


Oh, yeah. Great guy to party with. Known him since the 70s. I got laid off in '92 from the job we worked at, but sorta kept in touch over the years. We worked on a golf course & did some clandestine growing in various spots away from the golfers.